EndNote is a commercial reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles. It is accessible through Web of Science.
Find it:
Search online databases, collect full-text articles and auto-complete your references.
Click here for more information about searching online resources within EndNote.
Store it:
Organise, store and mark up your research files in any way that works for you.
Click here for more information on organising your references.
Create it:
Use the built-in bibliography maker to create and format citations in 5,000+ styles.
Click here for more information creating and formatting bibliographies.
Share it:
Collaborate online within your own team and with the global research community.
Click here for more information on sharing.
See how EndNote is a faster, easier way to manage research, references and bibliographies. With unique features to maximise your time like automatically finding full text and updating records, EndNote lets you spend less time in the details. Whether you're on your desktop, online or iPad.
Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organise your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.
- Automatically generate bibliographies
- Collaborate easily with other researchers online
- Easily import papers from other research software
- Find relevant papers based on what you're reading
- Access your papers from anywhere online
- Read papers on the go, with our new iPhone app
Getting started with Mendeley Desktop
This guide will provide you with the basics to get you up and running fast.
Getting started with Mendeley Web
This guide will provide you with the basics for Mendeley Web.
Want to learn more? See video tutorials.