Explore the Library

Postgraduate Unit Level 6

Postgraduate Unit Level 6

Africana Level 6

Postgraduate Research Unit

The UFS Sasol Library situated at the Bloemfontein Campus has a dedicated Postgraduate Research Unit.
The Postgraduate Research Unit which is located on level 6 creates an environment conducive to studying and research for postgraduate students. 

This unit is reserved for Postgraduate students, Researchers and Postdoctoral fellows engaged in research activities.

The Africana section of the Library is also hosted at the Research Unit. Access to the collection is controlled and the collection can only be used in the Research Unit.

The following facilities are available in the Postgraduate Research Unit:

  • More than 100 work stations where you can sit and work with your laptop and 30 computer workstations available for students to use.
  • 6 Discussion rooms for short discussions.
  • Hot water, a microwave oven and fridge.

Kovsiecat and electronic resources

Click here to access the KovsieCat.
Click here to access electronic resources.
Library orientation and information services

Students who would like to use the library in person are more than welcome to make an appointment with the Research/Information Librarians for library orientation in Bloemfontein.


Online training sessions for library orientation is also available.

Inter-library loans services

Postgraduate students benefit from the Inter-library loans service at all branch libraries, making it possible for students to access and use books and journal articles from other academic libraries.  
Please contact the Inter-library loan services at ill@ufs.ac.za

Identifying potential journals

Providing assistance to researchers on the identification and selection of appropriate journals in which to publish (based on bibliometrics, and knowledge about accredited and questionable journals).

Master’s and Doctoral students must submit an electronic copy of their accepted research dissertation or thesis, or interrelated, publishable manuscripts/published articles directly into KovsieScholar.

Should problems be experienced with the submission of the accepted research document, one CD-ROM can be submitted by the student to the UFS Library.

The digital copy must meet the following requirements:

  • Embedded fonts.
  • One file containing the full text abstract in both English and Afrikaans, keywords, illustrations and maps.
  • PDF file format.
For more information, kindly contact Vuyo Ngayeka at +27514012731

The following training is offered:

  • Effective database searching
  • Continuous information literacy
  • Journal impact factors and the H-index
  • Bibliography training
To book a training session, contact our research librarians Hesma van Tonder at +27 51 401 3468 and Carmen Nel at +27 51 401 2742


     Contact our research librarians

Operating Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 08:00-22:00 
Wednesday: 09:00-22:00
Saturday: 09:00-13:00

We are open 24/7 during the June and November examinations

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