Postgraduate Studies
Honours programmes
The following honours programmes are offered:
BA Honours in Geography (QC160028)
BSc Honours in Geography (QC460033)
BSc Honours in Environmental Geography (QC460033)
Closing date for applications: 30 September
More information on the honours programmes and the application document can be found in the following document:
Master's and PhD:
The following master’s and doctoral research programmes are offered:
MSc in Geography (QC480033)
MSc in Geo-Informatics (QC480069)
MSc in Environmental Geography (QC480059)
MSc in Mountain Environments (QC480xxx)
MA in Human Geography (QC180028)
PhD in Geography (QC490033) (Natural and Agricultural Science)
PhD in Geo-Informatics (QC490069) (Natural and Agricultural Science)
PhD in Environmental Geography (QC490059) (Natural and Agricultural Science)
PhD in Human Geography (QC190628) (Humanities)
Closing date for applications: No specific date
More information on the master’s and doctoral programmes and the application document can be found in the following document:
Application Process: Online Master's and Doctoral
2022 Postgraduate Brochure
For more postgraduate information and specific requirements, refer to the faculty rule book and other documents below: