Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science
Main Building: West Block W107
MSc (Mathematical Statistics) 2010 UFS
Associate Actuary (AMASSA) 2016 ASSA
Lecturer UFS 2011 - current
External Examiner for ASSA A211: 2019 - current
Finkelstein, M. and Ludick. Z. (2014) On some steady-state characteristics of systems with gradual repair. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 128: 17-23
Douglas Scott and Zani Ludick. Exploratory interpretations of power law relationships in Debussy’s Syrinx. ScienceOpen Preprints. 2022. DOI: 10.14293/S2199-1006.1.SOR-.PPVKOYG.v1
Actuarial Science: Finance & Investment Modelling
Stochastic Processes
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Computational Musicology & Algorithmic Music
ACSF2716: Introduction to Financial Mathematics
ACSM3708: Financial Engineering & Loss Reserving
ACSF2746: Advanced Financial Mathematics
Member of the Cathedral Singers, performing regular evensong at the Anglican Cathedral, Bloemfontein.