The Statistical Consultation Unit (SCU) provides statistical consultation services to researchers – staff and postgraduate students – at the University of the Free State (excluding the Faculty of Health Sciences, where those services are provided by the Department of Biostatistics). The SCU can make a contribution throughout the research process, from the planning of the research project, through the analysis of research data, up to the publication of the findings.
On request, the unit will offer short lectures on analysis of research data, statistical concepts, and research methodology to staff and postgraduate students.
By assisting with better collection, analysis, and reporting of research data, the SCU is expected to contribute to an increase in the quantity and quality of research output at the UFS. Consultation services for UFS projects will be provided free of charge, on a collaborative basis.
To request our services please fill out the online form.
After the form is submitted a receipt with further instructions will be sent. Please review the Consultation Guidelines for answers to some common questions.
The SCU is located within the Department of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science, in the West Block Building. Contact details are as follows:
Sean van der Merwe
Department of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science (IB 75)
West Block 104, UFS
T: +27 51 401 3770