Explore South Campus

Computer and pencils on a desk
Teach Online

Short Learning Programme

An accredited course for South African teachers with moderate computer literacy, to improve online teaching skills

How to navigate this website

  • Watch out for areas where your cursor changes from an arrow to a hand. You can click these for more information. Examples are:

  1. Text-boxes that can expand, e.g. those below (note the '+' on the side).

  2. Hyperlinks, e.g, click on this text to see an overview of the modules in this course.

  3. Page headings in the navigation pane at the top of this page, e.g. 'Home', 'Getting started'.

  4. Grey buttons at the bottom of each page, e.g. 'Next: Getting started', 'Modules', 'Help', at the bottom of this page.

  • Although you can jump around between pages, it is best to navigate this course systematically by:

  1. working from the top to the bottom of each page,

  2. clicking on each 'clickable' area and working through this until you reach the bottom of the page,

  3. then clicking on the 'Next' button at the bottom of the page.


teachonline@ufs.ac.za   |   University of the Free State South Campus   |   +27 51 451 1024 / +27 78 508 0848


Access (UAP)

+27 51 401 9111 (Option 2)

Open Distance and E-learning Programmes
Deborah Pietersen
+27 51 505 1394

Short Learning Programmes
Keneilwe Mogotsi

Kovsie Phahamisa Academy

South campus webpage1

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