GS Jana de Kluiver

Jana de Kluiver

1. What impact has GradStar had on your life in 2022?

GradStar has provided me with numerous career development opportunities, but most importantly, it has provided me with a support network of like-minded students and mentors.

2. How do you stay motivated and on track with your studies?

I believe that it is each of our responsibility to passionately develop our talents and abilities so that we may use these skills to improve the lives of others. So, all I do is keep my head up and give it my all! When you start to understand that we all have the potential to make the world a better place - you stop sweating the small stuff and start embracing every opportunity for growth… even if that implies giving up Saturday-night plans every now-and-then to work on my thesis.

3. What drives you to excel in your studies?

As a co-founder of More For Her, a skills development program for underprivileged girls, I believe that I should practice what I preach. I am an adamant supporter of female education, especially on a tertiary level, and understand how privileged I am to be able to do my masters. Consequently, I challenge myself to embrace my studies! I do not view my studies as something I have to do, but as something I get to do. And, obviously, the dedication and work-ethic of the More for Her-girls inspire me daily!

4. Will you recommend GradStar to other students? Why/Why not?

I recommend both the GradStar app and competition to everyone willing to listen! GradStar provides a platform for both career and personal development. I have been a part of the GradStar-family since 2021 and have immense respect for the organisation.

5. What are your plans for 2022?

I aim to complete my masters in 2023 and to further pursue my passion: integrating my experience in logistics and supply chains with my knowledge of macro-political economic trend forecasting and risk analysis to understand the nuanced realities of foreign investment in Africa as a way of contributing to the continent’s economic development.

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