Lues L, Van Zyl E, and Lituchy TR
Chapter 11:  Lead:  Leadership effectiveness in Africa and the African Diaspora.


Griessel L
Chapter 9: Administering psychological assessment measures
Chapter 14: Computer-based and Internet-delivered assessment. An introduction to Psychological assessment in the South African context.


Markham L

Chapter 6: Are employees doing a good job? Chapter 8: Rewarding employees for doing a good job; Chapter 10: Employment Relationships. Introduction to Human Resource Management


Griessel L, Jansen J, Stroud L

Administering psychological assessment measures

Griessel L, Davies C, Foxcroft C, and Tredoux N
Chapter 13: Computer-based and Internet-delivered assessment

Van Zyl E
Self-leadership and leadership development

Van Zyl E
Leadership traits

Van Zyl E
The difference between leadership and management

Engelbrecht M, Van den Berg H, and Bester C
Burnout and Compassion fatigue: The case of professional nurses in primary health care facilities in the Free State Province, South Africa. ISBN 978-1-60876-010-7


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