Intrabas Academic Support Programme information
The Intrabas Academic Support Programme originated in 2017 to assist students with additional classes and in this manner improve the throughput rate of the School of Accountancy. The academic support program is open for all students enrolled in an accounting degree, from undergraduate to postgraduate level.
Interested students are registered as Intrabas Academic Support programme participants (IASPP), putting them into a learning community that provides a sense of belonging, emotional support, and technical support. Where necessary IASPP in need of psychological assistance are provided with the necessary assistance.
The IASPP are monitored continuously throughout the academic year by appointed academic trainees. The academic trainees provide goal-driven mentorship, acting as academic coaches. Students are assisted to obtain knowledge and develop the technical skills necessary to perform the tasks required to obtain their qualification. IASPP, therefore benefit from personal attention at various levels of expertise.
IASPP are provided with skills in:
- goal setting,
- time management,
- study skills and
- skills in computer literacy.
The programme is primarily implemented through
- tutorials,
- small groups,
- consultation sessions and
- question and answer sessions.
The final responsibility for successfully obtaining a qualification remains with the student.
Interested students can contact :
Mr. OW Mosiako
Mr. TD Motsamai