Goodchild E, Lubbe DS
Best corporate governance practices of selected congegations in the Free State: A corporate governance overview - Part 1. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap.
Goodchild E, Lubbe DS
Best corporate governance practices of selected congegations in the Free State: A corporate governance overview - Part 11. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap.
Lubbe DS
The use of generalised audit software by internal audit functions in a developing country: A maturity level assessment. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions.
Lubbe DS
The use of generalised audit software by internal audit functions in a develping country: The purpose of the use of generalised audit software as a data analytics tool. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Intitutions.
Joubert JA
Investigating health factors as predictor of early drop-out of first year accounting students at the University of the Free State, South Africa. Africa focus.
Lubbe DS
Background to the foundation of business ethics as an university course: A South African perspective. Journal of governance and regulation.
Lubbe DS
Topics to be included in a meaningful and informative undergraduate business ethics course for accountancy students: A South African perspective - Part 1. Corporate ownership and control.
Lubbe DS
Topics to be included in a meaningful and informative undergraduate business ethics course for accountancy students: A South African perspective - Part 2. Corporate ownership and control.
Lubbe DS
Mitigating strategies for sampling risks to enhance the reliability of the internal audit opinion. Southern African Journal of Accountability and Auditing Research.
Lubbe DS
The sectional little industry in South Africa: perspectives of accounting and auditing practitioners. Corporate ownership and control.
Lubbe DS
The sectional title industry in South Africa: perspectives of chairmen of bodies corporate. Corporate ownership and control.
Lubbe DS
The sectional title industry in South Africa: perspectives of managing agents. Corporate ownership and control.
Lubbe N
Background to the foundation of business ethics as an university course: A South African perspective. Journal of governance and regulation.
Lubbe N
Topics to be included in a meaningful and informative undergraduate business ethics course for accountancy students: A South African perspective. Part 1. Corporate ownership and control.
Lubbe N
Topics to be included in a meaningful and informative undergraduate business ethics course for accountancy students: A South African perspective. Part 2. Corporate ownership and control.
Lubbe DS
Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of risk-based internal audit engagements. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUDITING. Vol 18. pp 115.
Joubert H
Performance of first-year Accounting students: Does time perspective matter? ACTA ACADEMICA. Vol 45. pp 26.
Watson S, Rossouw C
JSE efficiency and share price reaction to forced financial restatements. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL SCIENCES. 5 (2). PP 421-440.
Watson S, Coetzee P
The impact of forced financial restatements on the share prices of JSE-listed firms. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 11 (12). PP 1383-1396.
Lubbe D, Fourie R
Trustworthiness of South African sustainability reports: an overview. JOURNAL FOR NEW GENERATION SCIENCES. 10 (3). PP 50-68.
Rossouw J, Van Wyk HA
Die finansiële state van ‘n graanprodusent onder die loep.
Van Wyk HA
Are the financial procurement policies for outsourcing government functions adequate.
Van Wyk HA, Rossouw J
Accounting practitioners' views on the proposed 'micro gaap' - a South African perspective. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL SCIENCES, 4 (2). PP 257-274.
Coetzee P, Lubbe DS
Internal audit and risk management in South Africa: adherence to guidance. ACTA ACADEMICA, 43 (4). PP 29-60.
Rossouw J
Empirical results of the accounting policies chosen by South African listed companies. MEDITARI ACCOUNTANCY, 18(2).
Rossouw J, Van Wyk HA
IFRS for SMEs in South Africa: a giant leap for accounting, but too big for smaller entities in general. MEDITARI ACCOUNTANCY, 17(1), pp 99-116.