Mrs Ane Church
Senior Lecturer
School of Accountancy
23 15
School of Accountancy
IB 18
Stef Coetzee Building 15

Short CV

Highest Qualification:Master of Accounting with specialisation in Auditing
Professional Designation:Chartered Accountant of South Africa (CA(SA)); member number: 20031215
Current Role:

Lecturer in Auditing and Corporate Governance (School of Accountancy) for third year B.Accounting and B.Com Accounting Honours students

Oversees the Business Ethics module presented to second year Accountancy, Finance and Public Administration students

Coordinator for the B.Acc Third Year, PGDipGA and B.Com Hons (Acc) groups

Member of the School of Accountancy Management Committee

Teaches Professional Ethics at the Post Graduate Chartered Accountancy level

Previous positions held:

Financial Manager/Head of Procurement at Central University of Technology Free State (2015)

Assistant Manager at PwC in (2014) 

SAICA Articles completed with PwC in (2012-2013) 

SAICA Academic Trainee at University of the Free State (2011) 

Awards and Presentations:

Runner up in the UFS Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition for Masters` students (2022) 

Winner of a UFS `Excellence in Teaching & Learning` Award - 2019

Keynote speaker at the annual conference of the Southern Africa Association of Accountants in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (2024)

Presenter at the Female Voices in the Third Space: Researching Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in South-North Collaborative Online International Learning-Virtual Exchange Conference in Coventry, England (2024)

Presenter at the UFS Teaching & Learning Conference (2019, 2020, 2024)

Presenter at the UFS Blended Learning Colloquium (2019)

Presenter at the UFS Innovation Showcase (2018)

Teaching and Learning Philosophy:

I believe that it is my responsibility to inspire and motivate students to become responsible and ethical professionals.  By fostering critical, moral and innovative thinking, I aim to shape good corporate citizens, contributing to an enhanced society.

To shape these professionals, students need more than just technical knowledge in Accounting and Auditing. They must also understand how professionals in these fields think and solve problems. To achieve this, I bring real-life examples to class and inspire students through exposure to different professionals, issues and examples, making the professional world real and tangible. This approach helps students appreciate the profession and prepare for the world of work, making them well-rounded, employable graduates.

I believe that all students have the ability and natural aptitude to learn but that they do so differently.  In order to cater for these different learning styles, a variety of tools need to be used to help them learn.  I also believe that the best way to learn is to do the work yourself and, therefore, encourage student engagement and self-awareness through reflection.  This is true for both students and educators, and therefore, I also prioritise testing new teaching initiatives, obtaining feedback, and actively reflecting on my teaching practices.

I aspire to send individuals into the workforce who not only know the subject but also know themselves – their capabilities, value, opportunities to improve and ability to influence what matters – and the guts to do it…








  1. Title: The ethics of numbers (republished with permission from Financial Mail)

    Publication: Global Governance Voice (published by the Corporate Secretaries International Association)

    Date: 19 October 2023


    (Written by Ané Chuch, peer-reviewed by Prof Bernard Agulhas)


  2. Title: A question of trust

Publication: Global Governance Voice (published by the Corporate Secretaries International Association)

Date: 1 August 2023






  1. Title: The unseen sector

    Publication: Financial Mail/Business Live

    Date: 8 February 2024



  2. Title: The ethics of numbers

    Publication: Financial Mail

    Date: 19 October 2023



  3. Title: Future accountants should strive to embrace ethics and impact society

    Publication: BizCommunity

    Date: 9 October 2023



  4. Title: To comply or not to comply (republished with permission from Financial Mail)

    Publication: Auditing SA (published by the South African Institute of Government Auditors (SAIGA))

    Date: 1 October 2023



  5. Title: Investing in students and stakeholders

    Publication: Accountancy SA (published by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA))

    Date: 1 September 2023



  6. Title: To comply or not to comply

Publication: Financial Mail/Business Live


Date: 17 August 2023




Articles for Accounting Weekly: News portal for accounting and finance professionals Southern African Institute for Business Accountants (SAIBA):

  • Title: New Auditor Reporting Standards "Most Significant", 13 February 2017 
  • Title: When Public Interest Outweighs Confidentiality; 3 May 2017



Area(s) of Interest

  • Auditing
  • Corporate Governance
  • Ethics
  • Teaching & Learning


Courses Presented

Auditing and Corporate Governance for:

  • B.Accounting Third Year Students (EACG3708/3738)
  • B.Com Honours in Accounting Students (EAUD6808/6838)
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in General Accountancy Students (EAUD5808/5838)


Professional Ethics unit within EACG5808/6808:

  • B.Com Honours in Chartered Accounting Students 
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Chartered Accountancy Students (EAUD5808/5838)


Business Ethics (EOEC2614):

  • Second year Accountancy Students
  • Second year Finance Students
  • Second year Public Administration Students



Community Service

Training sessions presented

I present training to professionals in business and practice in my personal capacity as well as on behalf of various professional bodies and other platforms. These include:

  1. Professional and Business Ethics Training for Accounting professionals at the following local accountancy firms (in person):
    1. Mazars (December 2022)
    2. Enslins Bethlehem (2023, 2024)
    3. The Core Group (2023)
    4. Newtons (2023, 2024)


  2. Three (3) repeat Webinars on behalf of the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA), which included sessions on (online):
    1. King IV: Navigating the Building Blocks for Good Governance (2024)
    2. Ethics in Practice (2024)
    3. Independent Reviews: Defining Key Components of the Review Process (2024)


  3. A two-part webinar on behalf of the Namibian Institute of Professional Accountants (online):
    1. Ethics in Practice Part 1 (2024)
    2. Ethics in Practice Part 2 (2024)


  4. Various recurring Professional Ethics training sessions on behalf of Pro-Beta Training (online):
    1. Professional Ethics for Accountants in Business (2023 – 2024)
    2. Professional Ethics for Accountants in Public Practice (2023 – 2024)
    3. IRBA Ethics and Code of Conduct for Assurance Engagements (2023 – 2024)


Committees and forums

  • Member of The Council of SAICA for the Central Region (2020 – Present)
  • Member of The Council of SAICA for the Free State (2015 – 2019)
  • Member of the SAICA Bloemfontein District Committee/Forum (2015 – present), Chairperson (2015 - 2018)


Marking and assessments

I have been involved in marking and assessing professional examinations and courses as follows:

  • Examiner for SAICA Initial Test of Competence (2021)
  • SAICA Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) Marker (2017)
  • Accounting Professional Training Programme Marker (2016, 2018 - 2020)


Accreditation and evaluation of professional programmes

I am part of the independent team contracted by SAICA to review and accredit an undergraduate programme of another South African university (2024).




Tel: +27 51 401 3825
Academic Advice:
EMS Applications:
EMS Appeals BFN (South and Bloemfontein)
EMS Appeals Qwaqwa:

Economic faculty contact block

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