Who is the Department of Haematology and Cell Biology?

Description: Haematology and Cell Biology Keywords: Main photo

The Department of Haematology and Cell Biology provides the following in haematology, immunology, kinship testing and molecular biology

  • laboratory and clinical services, as well as
  • education and research 
Laboratory and Clinical Services


Our department provides laboratory and clinical services within the fields of haematology, immunology, kinship testing and molecular biology. Staff members are employed by either the UFS, the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) or jointly by both these establishments. As department we are proud to be internationally recognised and our laboratories are accredited by SANAS (South African National Accreditation System).

  • We aim to promote the welfare of the community by means of high quality teaching, research and comprehensive healthcare within the framework of the objectives the of UFS and the NHLS as centres of excellence.
  • We are the referral centre for the Northern Cape and Free State. We run clinics in Kimberly as well as offering laboratory national coverage initiatives  in central South Africa.
  • We work closely with the Division of Clinical Haematology of the Department of Internal Medicine and the Paediatric Oncology Unit of the Department of Paediatrics  to provide a reliable service to all patients with haematological disorders.

Description: Haematology and Cell Biology Keywords: Microscope

Education and research


Haematologists are pathologists who

  • study blood and bone marrow;
  • measure how well the blood clots, and treat clotting and bleeding problems;
  • undertake research into diseases, like leukaemia;

By gaining an understanding of diseases, they can also research therapies to help improve the survival rates of patients.

Post-graduate degrees offered:

B.Med.Sc Hons (Haematology and Cell Biology)

B.Med.Sc Hons (Human Molecular Biology) (in conjunction with the Human Molecular Biology Unit of the School of Biomedical Sciences).

M.Med (Haematology and Cell Biology)

M.Med.Sc (Haematology and Cell Biology)

M.Med Sc (Human Molecular Biology)

PhD (Haematology and Cell Biology)

PhD (Human Molecular Biology)

Research activities

The department is active in the following research areas:

  • Haemostasis (esp. Haemophilia, HHT and Microvesicles)
  • Preclinical haemostatic drug testing
  • Flow cytometry and Micro flow cytometry
  • Molecular oncology
  • Laboratory haematology and diagnostic test development
  • Kinship testing

Academic Programme
  • Registrar guide Haematology Cell Biology January 2024
  • The Tuesday morning Academic Programme is primarily aimed at pathologists, technologists and scientists. It is a mixture of lectures and research presentations. It is accredited for CPD points and open to anyone.
  • The Thursday morning Academic Programme consists of lectures by consultants, fellows and registrars for the Department of Haematology and Cell Biology and the Division of Clinical Haematology of the Department of Internal Medicine. It is accredited for CPD points and open to anyone. 



The Department of Haematology and Cell Biology strives toward:

  • quality career-oriented education;
  • advancement of science by means of basic and applied research;
  • professional laboratory medicine;
  • community support by means of clinical services.


Central Information Office
T: +27 51 401 3739
F: +27 86 579 5154

E: StudentAdminFHS@ufs.ac.za

Student Administration
Faculty Administration

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