UFS students must change their passwords every 90 days. You will receive an email notification informing you that your password is about to expire. You may also choose to change your password regularly for security reasons.
You will use your password to access your email, logon to the internet on campus and even your registration on PeopleSoft.
To change your password, navigate to the following website on your web browser:
Login by typing in your UFS student number and your current password.
Click "Sign in"

Click "Change Password"

The following window will display.
Type in a new password in the New Password and Confirm Password Text boxes.
Click "Change Password"
Please note: Previously used passwords are not allowed.

Due to the sensitive nature of your data, the password requires some complexity.
Please consult the password policy on the right for password requirements.
If a password is entered that does not meet the requirements, the system will inform you with the following dialog:

You will see the following screen whilst your password is being changed. Please be patient.

If your password does meet the requirements, you will receive the following dialog, informing you that you have successfully changed your password.
Click "Continue"

Click Next...