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Exam tips for you

healthy stress is good stress edit new

Exam stress is not all bad!

Avoid allowing exam stress to manifest into a negative feeling, use it to prompt you into action! In small amounts stress will encourage you to work harder, and think faster, just be careful not to let it build up too much.

 Eat and succeed

Eat a healthy balanced diet for successful exams
Eating a wide variety of foods from different food groups (vegetables, fruit, meat or proteins, dairy, and fats) ensures that your body and brain get the necessary vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. Try eating different coloured fruits and vegetables, including green leafy vegetables (spinach or meroho), every day.


Less energy drinks, more water
Caffeine can make you feel down or grumpy when its effects wear off. It may also cause withdrawal headaches. Instead of relying on coffee, fizzy drinks, energy drinks or supplements to give you energy, rather stick to a regular sleeping pattern and eat a balanced diet. Click here for more information.

enough sleep

Nothing’s better than a good night’s sleep ZZZ
Ensure that you get enough rest this exam season. Deprived sleep will affect your concentration, memory and ability to learn. Not getting enough sleep can negatively affect your information retention rate because the human brain utilizes sleep as a tool to rest and recover, which essentially helps you remember information more effectively.

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