What is Animal Physiology?
Broad Research Topics
Animal Physiology entails the anatomy, histology, and endocrine functioning of the physiological processes of livestock under specific conditions. This also includes the possible manipulation of the reproductive processes by means of accelerated breeding techniques for more efficient livestock and poultry production.
Broad Research Themes
The discipline of Animal Physiology includes the physiological functioning of ruminant or monogastric farm animals, including the physical and biochemical factors needed for optimal production and reproduction.
The research themes in this group include the possible manipulation of the reproduction processes using accelerated reproduction techniques to increase reproductive performance. These research themes include the use of synchronisation, artificial insemination, super ovulation, embryo transfer, and the use of growth promoters. Currently the focus is on the reproductive physiology of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and poultry.
There are postgraduate students from local and foreign universities (e.g. Mozambique, Namibia, Lesotho, Cameroon, Tanzania, and Ethiopia) within the Animal Physiology group and several members of this group serve on editorial boards of both national and international scientific journals.