The vision of the Department of Animal, Wildlife, and Grassland Science is to be a centre of scientific excellence in animal production for Africa.
The mission of the department entails the transfer of knowledge and the creation of new knowledge and technologies through scientific research.
Animal Science as such focuses on a variety of livestock species (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry) in production systems ranging from intensive to extensive. Grassland Science involves the study of all aspects regarding the utilisation, conservation, and improvement of rangeland and cultivated pastures – in harmony with animal production. This discipline is also committed to the conservation of the environment, and here Wildlife contributes to the efficient utilisation of the grazing ecosystem.
In accordance with the mission and vision of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, the central theme of the department focuses on research into efficient and economic animal production in order to supply animal products of high quality, taking public health and protection of natural resources and wildlife into account – by applying the principles of the disciplines of Animal Physiology, Animal Nutrition, Animal Breeding, and Grassland Science.