The EU was involved in the building of many community projects, like crèches, community halls, a school, a craft centre, prototype workers houses and others. In the past nineteen years, the EU has spent most of its activities on research in perceptions on earth construction in Southern Africa. Various partners in past projects have included:
- The Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs, Mr Cas Human, financed the building of the Glen prototype house.
- The Department of Labour was involved in the training of the Albert Luthuli Daycare Centre.
- CRATerre-EAG (International Centre for Earth Construction) in Grenoble, France. This organisation is world-renowned for its contribution in the field.
- The Child and Family Welfare Society in Bloemfontein collaborated with the UEC in the completion of the two daycare centres in Albert Luthuli and Turflaagte.
- The MUCPP (Mangaung University Community and Partnership Programme) collaborated with the UEC in the completion of two projects in Mangaung.
- The BOUTEK Division of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
- UNESCO CHAIR Earth Architecture. The UEC are fortunate to be part of a programme that is supported by UNESCO.
From 2003-2009, the EU conducted a research project in collaboration with the Bouwkunde Department of the Technical University of Eindhoven (Tue). The research project was funded by SANPAD (South-Africa–Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development). The title of the project: A South African Building Renaissance; acceptability of sustainable, high-quality, public and private buildings to support local economic development.
The SANPAD-project provided a research focus on the acceptability of earth construction in South Africa. Several national and international seminar and paper contributions resulted from the data gathered with this project. As a representative partner of the UNESCO Earth Architecture Chair, Gerhard Bosman presented the work of the EU at national and international forums. The Earth Unit continued with responsibilities as a UNESCO Earth Architecture member by acting in the scientific committees of international conferences hosted by UNESCO partners. Gerhard Bosman is acting on the scientific committee panels for the Vernacular Heritage VERSUS2014-2016 Sustainable Architecture Congress (VERSUS 2014-2018) and the XIIth World Congress on Earthen Architecture (TERRA 2016-2020).
Additional partners have also included:
Lebone village and
Qala Phelang Tala