Positions Available

Due to the expansions in UFS Chemistry, our different research groups are constantly interested in highly motivated Hons, MSc and PhD students, as well as postdoctoral researchers.

This web message serves as a constant advertisement for applicants in all the fields listed below. Should you be interested, please contact the group leaders below, providing:

  • letter of interest
  • complete CV
  • necessary proof of degrees obtained
  • completed application form

Bursary funding is available at the UFS Department of Chemistry. However, supplementation from outside funding agencies will be a prerequisite for admission into our programmes.

Closing dates

The closing dates for this call is at the end of each academic quarter (i.e., 31 March, 30 June, 30 September, and 31 December, annually) until further notice is posted. Evaluation of applications is done by a panel appointed by UFS Chemistry, and successful candidates will be informed of the decisions within one month after the application deadline.


Some funding agencies might require different time schedules and closing dates than those indicated above. In such cases, UFS Chemistry reserves the right to evaluate all applications received at that point, should it not coincide with the indicated end-of-quarter dates listed above. However, these changed schedules will not affect the four quarterly application dates given above, when all applications received for that particular quarter, will be evaluated. The financial detail applicable to all of these positions are available from the respective group leaders.

  • Research Groups

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  •  Polymer Science


Elfrieda van den Berg (Marketing Manager)
T: +27 51 401 2531


Dilahlwane Mohono (Faculty Officer)
T: +27 58 718 5284

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