E. Erasmus, J. Conradie, A. Muller, J.C. Swarts, Synthesis, crystal structure and electrochemistry of tetrahedral mono-b-titanocenyl complexes, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 360, 2007, 2277-2283.
D.M. Maree, E.W. Neuse E. Erasmus and J.C. Swarts, , Synthesis and anchoring of antineoplastic ferrocene and phthalocyanine derivatives on water-soluble polymeric drug carriers derived from lysine and aspartic acid, Metal based drugs, Artcle ID 217573, 2008, vol 2008, 10 pages. Doi:10.1155/2008/217573.
E. Erasmus and R. Anadjiwala, Studies on enhancement of mechanical properties and interfacial adhesion of flax reinforced polypropylene composites, Journal of Thermoplastic Composites, 2009, 485-502.
E. Erasmus and F.A. Barkhuysen, Superhydrophobic cotton by fluoro silane modification, Indian Journal of Fibre en Textile research, Indian Journal of Fibre Textile Research, 34, 2009, 377-379.
H.J. Gericke, N.I. Barnard, E. Erasmus, J.C. Swarts, M.J. Cook and M.A.S. Aquino, The use of [N(nBu)4][B(C6F5)4] as a supporting electrolyte to enhance observation of intermolecular communication in a multi redox-active diruthenium tetraferrocenoate, triple-sandwiched dicadmium phthalocyanine and a ruthenocene-containing b-diketone, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 363, 2010, 2222-2232.
A. Hildebrandt, T. Ruffer, E. Erasmus, J.C. Swarts and H. Lang, A Star-Shaped Supercrowded 2,3,4,5-Tetraferrocenylthiophene: Synthesis, Solid-State Structure, and Electrochemistry, Organomet., 29, 2010, 4900-4905.
E. Fourie, E. Erasmus, J.C. Swarts, A. Tuchscherer, A. Jacob, H. Lang, G.A. Joone, C.E.J. Van Rensburg, Cytotoxicity of Ferrocenyl-Ethynyl Phosphine Metal Complexes of Gold and Platinum, Anticancer Research, 31, 2011, 825-830.
E. Erasmus, Ferrocene- and ruthenocene-containing chalcones: A spectroscopic and electrochemical study, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 378, 2011, 95-101.
Muller TJ, Conradie J, Erasmus E, 2012, A spectroscopic, electrochemical and DFT study of para-substituted ferrocene-containing chalcone derivatives: Structure of FcCOCHCH(p-tBuC6H4). Polyhedron, 33: 257 - 266.
Fourie E, Erasmus, Swarts JC, Tuchscherer A, Jakob A, Lang H, Joone G, Van Rensburg C.E.J., 2012, Cytotoxicity of Hydrophylic Silver Carboxylato Complexes. Anticancer Research, 32: 519 - 522.
Erasmus E, Thune P, Verhoeven M, Niemantsverdriet J, Swarts JC, 2012, A new approach to silver-catalysed aerobic oxidation of octadecanol: Probing catalysts utilising a flat, two-dimensional silicon-based model support system. Catalysis Communications, 27: 193 - 199.
Speck J, Claus R, Hildebrandt A, Ruffer T, Erasmus E, Van As L, Swarts JC, Lang H, 2012, Electron Transfer Studies on Ferrocenylthiophenes: Synthesis, Properties, and Electrochemistry. Organometallics, 31: 6373 - 6380.
Erasmus E, Niemantsverdriet J, Swarts JC, 2012, Preparation and Characterization of Supported Bimetallic PdIV-CoIII Model Catalyst from Organometallic Single Source Precursor for Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols. Langmuir, 28: 16477 - 16484.
Erasmus E, Swarts JC, 2013, Intramolecular communication and electrochemical observation of the 17-electron ruthenocenium cation in fluorinated ruthenocene-containing b-diketones; polymorphism of C10H21 and C10F21 derivatives, New. J. Chem., 2013, 37, 2862
Trzebiatowska-Gusowska M, Gagor A, Coetsee E, Erasmus E, Swart HC, Swarts JC, 2013, Nano islet formation of formyl- and carboxyferrocene, -ruthenocene, -osmocene and cobaltocenium on amine-functionalized silicon wafers highlighted by crystallographic, AFM and XPS studies, J. Organomet. Chem. 745-746, 393.
Erasmus E, 2013, Hydrogenation of Cinnamaldehyde over an Ionic Cobalt Promoted Alumina-Supported Palladium Catalyst, S. Afr. J. Chem., 66, 216–220, .
Conradie MM, Conradie J, Erasmus E, 2014, Immobilisation of iron tris(b-diketonates) on a two-dimensional, flat amine functionalised silicon wafer: A catalytic study of the formation of urethane, from ethanol and a diisocyanate derivative, Polyhedron, 79, 52
Erasmus E, 2014, Synthesis and Electrochemistry of Dimetallocene-Containing Titanocenyl (IV) Complexes, J Phys Chem Biophys, 4:4
Erasmus E, 2014, Synthesis and unexpected electrochemical reaction of p-substituted phenyl diphenylphosphinites, J Electroanal Chem., 727, 1.
van As A, Joubert CC, Buitendach BE, Erasmus E, Conradie J, Cammidge AN, Chambrier I, Cook MJ, Swarts JC, 2015, Tetrabenzoporphyrin and -mono-, -cis-di- and Tetrabenzotriazaporphyrin Derivatives: Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Implications of meso CH Group Replacement with Nitrogen, Inorg Chem, 54, 5329.
Erasmus E, 2016, Synthesis and electrochemistry of p-substituted phenyl diphenylphosphinite rhodium(I) complexes, Polyhedron, 106, 18-26.
Liu R. Conradie J. Erasmus E, 2016, Comparison of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy multiplet splitting of Cr 2p peaks from chromium tris(ß-diketonates) with chemical effects, J. Elect. Spec. Rel. Phen. 206, 46-51.
Buitendach B, Erasmus E, Landman M, Niemantsverdriet JWH, Swarts JC, 2016, Consequences of Electron-Density Manipulations on the X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Properties of Ferrocenyl-ß-diketonato Complexes of Manganese(III). Structure of [Mn(FcCOCHCOCH3)3], Inorg. Chem. 55, 1992-2000.
Erasmus E, 2016, Investigation of the properties of kaolin upon thermal treatment, Hemijska Industrija, 70, 595-601. DOI:10.2298/HEMIND150720066E.
Erasmus E, 2016, Spectroscopic monitoring of carbonylation reactions on zeolite supported rhodium(I) carbonyls, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 451, 197-201.
Erasmus E, Muller AJ, Siegert U, Swarts JC, 2016, Synthesis by ligand exchange and electrochemistry of ruthenocenylcontaining b-diketonato complexes of titanocene. Structure of [TiCp2(RcCOCHCOCH3)][ClO4], J. Organomet. Chem. 821, 62-70. doi.org/10.1016/j.jorganchem.2016.05.011
Erasmus E, Claassen JO, van der Westhuizen WA, 2015, Catalytic wet oxidation of formic acid in wastewater with natural occuring iron ore, Water SA, 42, 442-448.
Conradie J, Erasmus E, 2016, XPS Fe 2p peaks from iron tris(ß-diketonates): electronic effect of the ß-diketonato ligand, Polyhedron, 119, 142-150.
Buitendach B, Erasmus E, Niemantsverdriet JWH, Swarts JC, 2016, Charge transfer and multiplet splitting in the Mn 2p and Fe 2p X-ray photoelectron envelopes of manganese(III) ferrocenyl-ß-diketonato complexes, Molecules, 21, 1427 -1442.
Jansen van Rensburg A, Landman M, Erasmus E. van der Westhuizen D, Ferreira H, Conradie MM, Conradie J, 2016, Electrochemical and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic insights into Molybdenum(0) Fischer ethoxycarbene complexes, Electrochimica Acta, 219, 204-213.
Gostynski R, Fraser R, Landman M, Erasmus E, Conradie J, 2017, Synthesis and Characterization of Si-Supported Chromium(0) Fischer Aminocarbene complexes, J. Organomet. Chem. 836-837, 62-67.
Gostynski R, Fraser R, Landman M, Erasmus E, Conradie J, 2017, Electrochemical study of Chromium(0) Fischer Carbene complexes: Trends in redox potential, Polyhedron, 127, 323 - 330.
Gostynski R, Conradie J, Erasmus E, 2017, Significance of the electron-density of molecular fragments on the properties of manganese(III) b-diketonato complexes: An XPS and DFT study, RCS Advances, 7, 27718 – 27728.
Jansen van Rensburg A, Landman M, van Rooyen, PH, Conradie MM, Erasmus E, Conradie J, 2017, Structural and electronic features of triphenylstibine-functionalized Fischer carbene complexes of Molybdenum(0), Polyhedron. 133, 307 - 318.
Jansen van Rensburg A, Landman M, van Rooyen, PH, Conradie MM, Erasmus E, Conradie J, 2017, Electrochemistry of triphenylstibine-functionalized Fischer carbene complexes of Molybdenum(0), ElectroChim. Acta,246, 897-907.
Erasmus E, 2017, Electronic effects of group fragments on the XPS of Fe 2p and 3p photoelectron lines of ferrocenyl-containing chalcones,. SA Journal of chemistry. 70, 94-99.
Gerber SJ, Erasmus E, 2018, Electronic effects of metal hexacyanoferrates: An XPS and FTIR study, Mat. Chem. Phys., 203, 73-81.
Erasmus E, 2018, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: charge transfer in Fe 2p peaks and inner-sphere reorganization of ferrocenyl-containing chalcones, J. Elect. Spec. Rel. Phen. 223, 84-88.