Mammal Parasitology Lab

The Mammal Parasitology Lab research is divided into three broad research themes:
1. Veterinary parasitology
2. Parasite resistance
3. Functional and evolutionary ecology of parasites
Pesticide Resistance Testing Facility
The Pesticide Resistance Testing Facility (PRTF) was established in 2005 by Dr Ellie van Dalen to provide a pesticide resistance testing service to producers and pharmaceutical companies. Laboratory assays currently available at the facility are mostly conducted to determine the presence and extent of tick resistance against active pharmaceutical ingredients in commercially available acaricides. The results can be used by farmers to decide on which commercially available acaricide to use for tick control on their farms and to better manage acaricide resistance to prolong the effectiveness of chemical control.
The following assays are currently offered:1. Shaw Larval Immersion Test (SLIT)
2. Adult Immersion Test (AIT)
3. Larval Packet Test (LPT)
Principal InvestigatorDr Luther van der Mescht

Postgraduate studentsElizna Terblans, PhD
Diversity and distribution of Rhipicephalus ticks found on cattle and buffaloes in the Free State province, South Africa.
Leah Blayi, MSc

Current distribution and acaricide resistance status of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus and Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) decoloratus on commercial and communal cattle farms in the Free State province, South Africa.
Grethe Campher, MSc

Improvement and validation of an in vivo anthelmintic assay using rats infected with Trichostrongylus colubriformis or Haemonchus contortus.