Animal Ecology
Research in our lab is focused patterns of resource use and how these shape the ecological dynamics and evolutionary adaptations of primarily mammalian faunas. Emphasis is on stable isotope analysis for reconstructing trophic niches dynamics over multiple space and time scales, as well as on the theoretical principles underpinning this approach. Current projects aim specifically to quantify trophic niche overlaps among coexisting species, as well as individual-level niche variations. In addition to this, comparative investigations of various life history traits enable to us to understand how animals are constrained to certain trophic niches.
Group Members
Prof Daryl CodronPostgraduates
Aileen van der Mescht, Postdoctoral degree
Acoustic profiling of landscapes and the identification of ecoacoustic edge effects
Chanel Lewis, MSc
Integrating trophic level with the niche variation hypothesis: A comparison of individual niche variation between mammal herbivore and carnivore populations
Runé van der Merwe, MSc
The role of body size as a life history trait influencing within-population niche variation in mammals