Bothma, C., Cronjé, N., Koen, M. and Hugo, A. 2020. Product development and consumer acceptability of soup made from Clarias gariepinus. CYTA Journal of Food, 18:1: 572-579.
Hiscock, L., Bothma, C., Hugo, A., Van Biljon, A. and Jansen van Rensburg, W.S. 2019. Hedonic evaluation and check-all-that-apply (CATA) question for sensory characterisation of stewed vegetable Amaranthus. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57. 1-9.
Hiscock, L., Bothma, C., Hugo, A., Van Biljon, A. and Jansen van Rensburg, W.S. 2018. Overall liking and sensory profiling of boiled Amaranthus leaves using the Check-all-that apply question. CyTA Journal of Food, 16:1: 822-830.
Cluff, M., Kobane, I.A., Bothma, C., Hugo, C.J., Hugo, A. 2017. Intermediate added salt levels as sodium reduction strategy: Effects on chemical, microbial, textural and sensory quality of polony. Meat Science, 133: 143-150.
Faihst, T-J., Myburgh, J., Bothma, C., Hugo, C.J. and Hugo, A. 2017. The microbial, physical, chemical and sensory effects of synthetic conjugated linoleic acid supplementation in yogurt. Journal of Functional Foods, 70(2): 228-236
Mielmann, A., Bothma, C., Hugo, C.J. and Hugo, A. 2017. A comparative study of the chemical composition of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and spinach beet (Beta vulgaris var. cicla L.). South African Journal of Botany, 108: 8-14.
Bekker, A., Jooste, P., Steyn, L., Bothma, C., Hugo, A. and Hugo, C.J. 2016. Lipid breakdown and sensory analysis of milk inoculated with Chryseobacterium joostei. International Dairy Journal, 52: 101-106
Cluff, D., Steyn, H., Charimba, G., Bothma, C., Hugo, C.J. and Hugo, A. 2016. The chemical, microbial, sensory and technological effects of intermediate salt levels as a sodium reduction strategy in fresh pork sausages. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96(12): 4048-4055.
Du Toit, L., Bothma, C., De Wit, M. and Hugo, A. 2016. Replacement of gelatin with liquid Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage in marshmallows. Part 1: Physical parameters. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, 18: 25-39.
Du Toit, L., Bothma, C., De Wit, M. and Hugo, A. 2016. Replacement of gelatin with liquid Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage in marshmallows. Part 2: Consumer liking of mucilage-containing marshmallow versus control and a commercial brand. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, 18: 40-51.
Swart, P.Z., Bothma, C., Van der Merwe, I. and Hugo, A. 2016. Acceptability of potato-based chips for children. International Journal of Home Economics, 9(2): 159-174.
De Wit, M., Bothma, C., Hugo, A., Sithole, T., Absalom, C. and Van den Berg, C. 2015. Physico-chemical and sensory evaluation of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L. Mill and Opuntia robusta Wendl) cladode flour in different baked products. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. 17: 89-106.
Mielmann, A., Bothma, C., Hugo, A & Hugo, C.J. 2015. Descriptive sensory analysis and consumer acceptability of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). British Food Journal, 117(12): 2975-2992.
Bothma, C., Hugo, A., Osthoff, G., de Kock, H.L., Joubert, C.C. and Swarts, J.C. 2014. Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on the technological quality of backfat of pigs. Meat Science, 97: 277-286.
De Wit, M., Bothma, C., Swart, P., Frey, M. and Hugo, A. 2014. Thermal treatment, jelly processing and sensory evaluation of cactus pear fruit juice. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, 16: 1-14.
Van Schalkwyk, C.P., Hugo, A., Hugo, C.J. and Bothma, C. 2013. Evaluation of a natural preservative in a boerewors model system. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 37: 824-835.
Mathenjwa, S.A., Hugo, C.J., Bothma, C. and Hugo, A. 2012. Effect of alternative preservatives on the microbial quality, lipid stability and sensory evaluation of boerewors. Meat Science, 91(2): 165-172.
Rothman, M., de Wit, M., Bothma, C. and Hugo, A. 2012. Determination of seasonal influences on sensory attributes of South African cactus pear cultivars. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, 14: 42-52.
Hugo, A., Els, S.P., Bothma, C., de Witt, F.H., van der Merwe, H.J. and Fair, M.D. 2009. Influence of dietary lipid sources on sensory characteristics of broiler meat. South African Journal of Animal Science, 39(5): 11 -14.
Geleta, N., Labuschagne, M.T., Osthoff, G., Hugo, A. and Bothma. C. 2005. Physical and chemical properties associated with food quality in sorghum. South African Journal for Plant and Soil, 22(3): 175-179.
Seisa, D., Osthoff, G., Hugo C., Hugo A., Bothma, C. and Van der Merwe, J. 2004. The effect of low-dose gamma irradiation and temperature on the microbiological and chemical changes during ripening of Cheddar cheese. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 69(5): 419-431.