Centre for Environmental Management Selection Form
MSc majoring in Environmental Management
Closing date for applications: 30 September
You will not be able to submit the form without completing all the compulsory fields.
Applicant details
Educational background
List your main subjects in your final year of your highest qualification:
Employment and expertise
Current employment:
Other employment related to environmental management:
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Preliminary Research Proposal
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If you do not have a work-related research project, do you have a research ideas that matches your background, experience and expertise and that can be supervised by one of the following staff members at CEM? If so, please identify the staff member and briefly (2-3 sentences) outline your research idea.
A list of staff members is provided at the end of this section.
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max 900 characters incl. spaces
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max 300 characters incl. spaces
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max 800 characters incl. spaces
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max 650 characters incl. spaces
Dr. Marinda Avenant
Aquatic ecologist, with specific focus on environmental water flow requirements in river systems in light of environmental change.
Dr Surina Esterhuyse
Geohydrologist exploring the policy options to prevent ground water contamination during the exploitation of unconventional oil and gas.
Dr Tascha Vos
Limnologist, with expertise in water quality and a specific focus on aquatic monitoring using phytoplankton
Marthie Niemand
Plant ecologist, with specific focus on using dendrochronology (tree rings) to determine water usage in natural ecosystems.
Dr Bimo Nkhata
Leading expert on environmental and water management and water management, planning and policy
We require information of two recommenders who might be contacted during the selection process.
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Document Uploads
Certified copy of my ID or passport
Certified copies of my previous qualifications (certificates):
Please include certified official transcripts from previous academic institutions and SAQA Verification Certificate
Please ensure that all supporting documents have been uploaded.
If you have not received a response from us within 72 hours after completing this form, it means that we have not received your form. Please email the Centre for Environmental Management at cem@ufs.ac.za.