The learning programmes in Geology focus on the properties and processes in the Earth and on the Earth's surface and encompass a holistic study of the human environment and accompanying interactions and relationships.
Below are the current learning programmes in Geology as can be found in the yearbook of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Where any discrepancies exist between the information contained on this webpage and that in the Faculty yearbook, the information contained in the yearbook will take precedence. The information is published here only for general information purposes.
GEOLOGY (BC433535)
Upon completion of this learning programme, you may be granted access to honours studies in geology, which will serve as a stepping stone towards professional registration as a geologist, with job opportunities in mining, exploration, and research.
Upon completion of this learning programme, you may be granted access to honours studies in geology/geochemistry, which will serve as a stepping-stone towards professional registration as a geologist, with job opportunities in industry and academia.
Upon completion of this learning programme, you may be granted access to honours studies in geology, which will serve as a stepping stone towards professional registration as a geologist, with job opportunities in industry and academia.
Upon completion of this learning programme, you may be granted access to honours studies in geology/geochemistry/chemistry, which will serve as a stepping-stone towards professional registration as a geologist / chemist, with job opportunities in industry and academia.
Upon completion of this learning programme, you may be granted access to honours studies in geology/geography, which will serve as a stepping-stone towards professional registration as a geologist, with job opportunities in industry, government, and academia.
Upon completion of this learning programme, you may be granted access to honours studies in geology/physics, which will serve as a stepping-stone towards professional registration as a geologist/physicist, with job opportunities in industry and academia.
Admission requirements for undergraduate programmes in Geology:
- A minimum AP of 30 plus a performance level 4 (50%) in an official tuition language. An AP of 34 or higher is highly recommended.
- Mathematics on performance level 5 (60%).
- Physical Sciences on performance level 5 (60%).
- Students in the extended programme require at least 65% in CHEM1412, CHEM1532, CHEM1622, and CHEM1642 and in MATD1564/194.
Specific requirements for BSc Geology programmes:
- Applications to the BSc Geology programme, on the prescribed form, must reach the Registrar, Academic Student Services, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, on or before 30 September of the year before the intended admission. A selection process takes place before admission. Students will be notified of the result as soon as NSC examination results have been released. This is typically only in January of the intended year of registration, although students may be provisionally accepted based on their Grade 12 SBA marks.
- A maximum number of 60 students will be admitted to the second year due to laboratory constraints. These 60 students will be admitted based on academic excellence. The same will hold for the third year where 60 students will be admitted, once again based on academic excellence.
All mainstream Geology students will only be allowed to continue with their second year in any of the Geology learning programmes if the student:
- Passes all the first-year modules of the specific programme.
- Obtain an average of 55% in the first-year modules GLGY1614 and GLGY1624.
- Deserving students who do not comply with these requirements, may be admitted at the discretion of the Programme Director in consultation with the Head of the Department.