This module will provide students with a basic understanding of numerical groundwater flow and mass transport models. The module will combine and apply all knowledge students have gained in the first semester honours modules to develop conceptual models, basic numerical models, and to assess groundwater models.

This module will further expose students to various types of groundwater models, and will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

On completion of the module, the student is expected to:

  1. explain the principles of groundwater flow and transport
  2. prepare the necessary input data for mathematical models
  3. interpret hydrogeological data and develop site-specific conceptual models based on these data as a prerequisite for the application of mathematical models
  4. select suitable mathematical models for a given problem
  5. solve analytical equations and develop finite-difference equations
  6. develop and document site-specific finite-difference flow and transport models
  7. critically evaluate groundwater model-related parameters like porosity, hydraulic conductivity/ transmissivity, storativity/specific yield, recharge, etc.


Dr Amy Allwright


Elfrieda van den Berg (Marketing Manager)
T: +27 51 401 2531


Dilahlwane Mohono (Faculty Officer)
T: +27 58 718 5284

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