We express our sincere thanks to the following Organisations/Groups for sponsoring INORG 2009. Click on the underlined acronyms below for website links.

  1. The South African Chemical Institute (SACI).

  2. The Royal Society of Chemistry: Dalton Division (RSC Dalton).

  3. University of the FREE STATE Chemistry (UFS Chem).

  4. Inorganic Research Group, UFS (Inorg).

  5. Materials and Nanosciences Research Cluster, UFS (MNS Cluster).

  6. NECSA (Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa).

  7. PPS: Insurance for Professionals.

  8. SASOL Technology R & D, Sasolburg, South Africa.

  9. BRUKER, South Africa.


  11. Royal Society of Chemistry; South Africa (Northern Section).

  12. Pan Africa Chemistry Network (PACN)

  13. Blue Line Office Supplies.

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