Who is the Department of Description: Anaesthesiology Keywords: Anaesthesiology, home pageAnaesthesiology?

In the University of the Free State (UFS) Department of Anaesthesiology we train undergraduate students and specialists to safely and effectively prepare patients, before, during and after surgery, to administer anaesthesia, provide aftercare, relieve pain and facilitate surgery, while we also relieve chronic pain and do critical care.



  • In General Anaesthesiology all types of anaesthesia are done and taught.
  • At Pain Control Unit: Chronic and acute pain control are done and taught on a full time basis. This is the oldest unit of its kind in the country with the most comprehensive services.
  • At our Anaesthesia Clinic, patients with severe systemic disease are evaluated and prepared for anaesthesia.
We are a friendly department, in pace with South Africa’s demands. The personnel are dedicated and participate in all clinical and university functions. Our department is geared towards the future with a process of sensible transformation and planning in place to provide for future needs.

In addition to training and research, clinical anaesthesia services are provided at the following venues in the Free State and Northern Cape.


Registrar posts are advertised every six months for appointments in the first or second half of the year (usually during April and October). Information on admission requirements and applications can be obtained from the HOD.

Ketapele (Sesotho)

Lefapa la borobatsi/ boidibatsi ke lefapa le nang le setswalle le ikamahanyang ledihlokeho tsa Africa Borwa wa ha jwale. Basebetsi ba iteetse mme ba nka karolo mabakeng aphekolo le mesebetsi e meng ya yunibesiti. Le fapa le itokiseditse bokamoso mme ho na letsamao ya diphetoho tsa nnete le hlopiso ya tjebelopelo ho ikamahanya le dihlokeho tsaisaho. Thupello le dipatlisiso di etswa di petleng tsa Universitas, Pelonomi, National, leOrange, le ditsi tse ding tse ka ntle tsa Kimberley Hospital, le sepetkele sa sesole, 3Military. Karolo ya taolo ya lno opelwa / mahlaba le Kliniki ya ho hlahlobelwa kidibatso,di fana ka monyetla o ikhethileng wa thupello.

Ketapele (Setswana)

Lefapha la Borobatsi / Kidibatso ke lefapha le le botsalano le le itepatepanyangle dithlokego tsa Afrika Borwa wa gompieno / ga jaama. Badiri ba ineetse mme ba tsayakarolo mo mabakeng a kalafo le ditiro tse dingwe tsa yunibesiti. Lefapha le ipakanyeditsebakamoso mme go na le tsamao ya diphetogo tsa nnete le thulugango ya ponelopele goitepatepanya le dithlokego tsa bokamoso. Katiso le dipatlisiso di dirwa mo maokelong aUniversitas, Pelonomi, National le Orange le ditheo tse di kwa ntle tsa Kimberley hospitalle bookelo jwa 3 Military. Karolo ya taolo ya dithlabi / go opelwa le kliniki ya gothlathlobelwa kidibatso di fana ka tshono e e ithlophileng ya katiso.

 Satellite departments and contact numbers:

  • General Anaesthesiology: +27 51 405 3307
  • Pain Control Unit: +27 51 405 3613
  • Anaesthesia Clinic: +27 51 405 3777
  • III Military Hospital:  +27 51 402 1841
  • Kimberley Hospital: +27 53 802 9111 x 2140


Central Information Office
T: +27 51 401 3739
F: +27 86 579 5154

E: StudentAdminFHS@ufs.ac.za

Student Administration
Faculty Administration

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