The authentic learning spaces, the SPACE and the clinical laboratories are situated in the Benedictus Kok Building, where Nursing students are exposed to skills and standardised patient, medium- and hi-fidelity simulation and task trainers. In standardised patients the school makes use of drama students to take on the role of patients.

High-Fidelity Simulation Video: The use and impact of healthcare simulators

Contact Mr Bennie Botha (Portfolio Head: ICST), for any enquiries.

The authentic learning spaces include intensive care units, a ward, a midwifery unit, the shack and reflection rooms. The School of Nursing has seven rooms where standardised patient simulation takes place, with a waiting and debriefing area. All of the above are done with state of the art equipment to ensure the best training to the student.

Adult ICU-2
Adult ICU
Description: School of Nursing Keywords: Simulation equipment
A ward
 Child ICU-2
Child ICU
Control Room-2
Control Room 
 Description: School of Nursing Keywords: Simulation equipment
The shack
 Reflection Room-2
Reflection Room

The VR Room

Video: Immersive Virtual Clinical Simulation at the School of Nursing

 20220419_115921 1 VR Room



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