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Staff member from Unit for Students with Disabilities becomes Fulbright Scholar

Hetsie Veitch from the Unit for Students with Disabilities (USD) at the University of the Free State (UFS) was selected in June 2014 as primary candidate for the Fulbright Foreign Student programme.

The programme allows her to study for a PhD in Disability Studies from the start of the 2015/2016 American academic year (August/September 2015).

“Meanwhile, I had to write all the admission tests and complete a large number of administrative tasks for the International Institute of Education (IIE) dealing with the placement of students at the different universities and compiling a presentation plan for each student,” said Veitch.

Veitch already had the opportunity to identify universities offering the best programmes in Disability Studies. The IIE has applied at five universities on her behalf and is currently negotiating with these universities for her final placement. Veitch chose the University of Illinois in Chicago, the Syracuse University; the University of Washington; Chapman University and Emory University.

“The American universities are currently busy with the application and placement process for the new academic year and by March/April I should know where I will be placed. The Fulbright Scholarship runs for two years and part of the negotiations with the universities includes the opportunity to continue my studies at that particular university in order to complete my PhD.”

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