A great deal of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is dependent on your eating habits. UFS staff members learned from dietician, Angelique Carson-Port, about all the myths and facts regarding health when it comes to the food we eat.

Angelique firstly explained how what we put in and what we put out is directly related to the weight we gain, maintain or lose.

“Balance is key.” Three words that summarise how to go about maintaining a nutritious lifestyle. It is essential to monitor the contents of what you consume, as many products contain unhealthy and unnecessary sugars. This thus results in individuals gaining weight, as their input exceeds their output. Examples of beverage options containing up to 11 teaspoons of sugar, alarmed most of the staff members present.

Angelique continued to speak against the idea of diets, as they promote, “too much of one food and the exclusion of another.” When in actual fact, one must enjoy a variety of foods to gain a balance.

Adequate water consumption and eating sparingly were at the top of the list of tips given to staff. All food can be enjoyed, just in the right moderation. It amazed staff to realise how easy maintaining balance is, while still being able to enjoy variety.

- Hatsu Mphatsoe

All food can be enjoyed, just in moderation.

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