Staff Directory

Dr Tatenda Marange
Senior Lecturer
Industrial Psychology
Industrial Psychology
University of the Free State
Qwaqwa Campus
Chemistry Building

Short CV

Tatenda Mhlanga holds a PhD in Industrial Psychology from the University of the Fort Hare. She is a Charted HR Professional in Learning and Development with the South African Board for People Practices. Her teaching philosophy is based in valuing creative thinking almost as much as content mastery. She believes in creating a learning environment that fosters critical thinking and problem solving that ensures students become self-directed learners, engaging their natural curiosity about the material presented and taking that curiosity to the next level.

Her research interests include Work and Organisational Wellbeing, Personality, Positive Psychology and organisational behaviour. She also enjoys quantitative statistical analysis using SPSS, Lisrel and SmartPLS.

Tatenda supervises Honours, Masters and PhD research in the department and serves in the EMS Faculty Ethics Committee.


Below is the link to her Google Scholar profile:

Publications (Short List)


Area(s) of Interest

Courses Presented

ETRM 3714: Training Management

EPFM  3724: Performance  Management

EIOP/EFIO 1524/1525: Introduction to Individual Differences

EHRM/EFHR 1514/1515:  Introduction to Human Resource Management

Community Service

Service Learning

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