Staff Directory

Prof Willem Boshoff
Plant Sciences
Department Plant Sciences
Biology Building
Internal Box 64
Biology Building 233

Short CV

Willem HP Boshoff was born on 10 January 1971 in Mossel Bay.  He matriculated in 1989 from Point High School in Mossel Bay.  After completion of his BSc Agric. and BSc Agric. Honours degrees in Plant Pathology at UFS in 1995, Willem was appointed by the ARC-Small Grain Institute, Bethlehem, to work on stem rust surveillance and pre-breeding for rust resistance in wheat.  He obtained his M.Sc. Agric. degree in 1997 and his PhD in 2001, all at UFS.  His master’s study dealt with Fusarium head blight and for his PhD the main focus was on stripe rust occurrence, epidemiology and control strategies.  This pioneering study was inevitable after the pathogen had been observed for the first time in 1996, causing extensive and severe epidemics, on wheat in South Africa.  After completion of his studies SGI appointed Willem as their spring wheat breeder for the irrigated production regions.  In 2003 he joined Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd. as their winter wheat breeder where he acted as breeding lead from 2006 to 2016, releasing several successful varieties. Willem was appointed as Senior Lecturer by the UFS in January 2017 in the field of rust pathology. He was promoted to Associate Professor from January 2022 and is a C2 rated researcher with the National Research Foundation. Willem will continue and expand research on rust diseases of field crops, teach undergraduate modules in Plant Pathology, and advise post-graduate students on research projects.



Focus on rust diseases of field crops including pathogen variability and genetic resistance.  


Area(s) of interest

My main research interest includes pathogenic variation of rust pathogens of field crops, genetic resistance including cultivar characterisation and the identification and genetic analyses of new sources of genetic resistance with the potential of durable control. 


Area(s) of expertise

I have been extensively involved in determining of pathogenic variation in rust pathogens of small grains.  This include the successful characterisation of the establishment, epidemiology and determining of pathogenic variation in the wheat stripe rust fungus in South Africa.  I was responsible for determining the efficiency of chemical control against wheat leaf- and stripe rust, which included the use of foliar sprays, optimising timing of applications and the use of chemical seed treatment to combat seedling infection.  My expertise on field resistance to rust pathogens include the successful identification of various wheat germplasm accessions with effective resistance to local stem-, leaf- and stripe rust pathotypes. I was directly involved in the establishment of breeding, evaluation and selection protocols to successfully introduce and combine new sources of resistance in various locally adapted germplasm backgrounds and successfully released high yielding wheat cultivars with improved disease resistance. 


Impact: I contributed directly and significantly towards increased wheat yield stability and production in South Africa through the release of new high yielding cultivars with increased field resistance to pests of economic importance. Through extensive publication in the popular media and farmer’s days I played a significant role in transferring data and the latest available technologies to farm level application.




  • R.A. Sivhada, W.H.P. Boshoff, A. van Biljon, M.T. Labuschagne 2025. The impact of wheat stripe rust in the presence of resistance genes Yr9, Yr10, and Yr15 on gluten proteins: Insights from size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography analysis. Applied Food Research 5 (1). 100684. 
  • R. Prins, C. de Klerk, W.H.P. Boshoff, C.M. Bender & Z.A. Pretorius 2024. Mapping of resistance loci in wheat line Milan/S87230//Babax to South African races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Euphytica 220:162
  • Cavalet-Giorsa et al., 2024. Origin and evolution of the bread wheat D genome.  Nature 633, 848–855. 
  • N. Chiuraise B. Visser, A. Marè, and W.H.P. Boshoff 2024. Occurrence and characterisation of Puccinia triticina in Zimbabwe. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 46, 509-523.
  • B. Visser, W.H.P. Boshoff & Z.A. Pretorius 2024. First report of rust caused by Phakopsora nishidana on creeping fig, Ficus pumila, in South Africa. Plant Disease 108: 1892.
  • A. Bryan, A. Korolev, S. Bergmann, W.H.P. Boshoff, K. Flath, A.F. Justesen, P. Schulz, B. Visser, D.G.O. Saunders 2024. Comparative genomics identifies genetic markers linked to structural variations that differentiate Puccinia graminis formae speciales. Plant Pathology 73: 1542-1552.
  • T.G. Terefe, W.H.P. Boshoff, R.F. Park, Z.A. Pretorius & B. Visser 2024. Wheat stem rust surveillance reveals two new races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in South Africa during 2016 to 2020. Plant Disease 108:20-29. 
  • T. Hewitt, E.C. Henningsen, D. Pereira, K. McElroy, E.S. Nazareno, S. Dugyala, H. Nguyen-Phuc, F. Li, M.E. Miller, B. Visser, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff, J. Sperschneider, E. Stuckenbrock, S.F. Kianian, P.N. Dodds, M. Figueroa 2024. Genome-enabled analysis of population dynamics and virulence associated loci in the oat crown rust fungus Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 37(3):290-303. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37955552.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser, C.M. Bender, Z.A. Pretorius 2024. Pathogenicity of Puccinia porri on Allium species and varieties in South Africa. Australasian Plant Pathology 53: 15-30.
  • G. Yang, N. Zhang, W.H.P. Boshoff, H. Li, B. Li, Z. Li, Q. Zheng 2023. Identification and introgression of a novel leaf rust resistance gene from Thinopyrum intermedium chromosome 7Js into wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 136(11): 231
  • M.S. Mafa, N. Lebusa, T. Gumani, G. Kemp, B. Visser, W.H.P. Boshoff, H.D. Castelyn. 2023. Accumulation of complex oligosaccharides and CAZymes activity under acid conditions constitute the Thatcher+Lr9 defence responses to Puccinia triticina. Biologia 78: 1929-1941.
  • M.S. Mafa, B. Visser, W.H.P. Boshoff, G. Kemp, O. Alexander, H.D. Castelyn. 2023. Flagging defensive roles of carbohydrate-active enzymes and carbohydrates during Puccinia triticina-wheat interactions. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry O124: 101947.
  • M. Chemonges, L. Herselman, Z.A. Pretorius, M.N. Rouse, A. Marè, W.H.P. Boshoff. 2023. Mapping and validation of all-stage resistance to stem rust in four South African winter wheat cultivars. Euphytica 219: 11 
  • T.G. Terefe, B. Visser, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff 2023. Physiologic races of Puccinia triticina detected on wheat in South Africa from 2017 to 2020. European Journal of Plant Pathology 165: 1-15. 
  • M. Chemonges, L. Herselman, Z.A. Pretorius, A. Marè, W.H.P. Boshoff. 2022. Characterisation of stem rust resistance in the South African winter wheat cultivar PAN 3161. Euphytica 218: 139
  • T. Kloppe, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius, D. Lesch, B. Erdemel, A. Morgounov, P. Kuhnem, P. Murphy, C. Cowger. 2022. Virulence of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici in Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, Russia and Australia. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, article 954958
  • A. Maré, W.H.P. Boshoff, L. Herselman 2022. Phenotypic assessment and fungal gene expression of Fusarium graminearum in wheat. Euphytica 218:113 
  • WH.P. Boshoff, B. Visser, C.M. Bender, A.R. Wood, L. Rothmann, K. Wilson, V.L. Hamilton-Attwell, Z.A. Pretorius. 2022. Fig rust caused by Phakopsora nishidana in South Africa. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 61(2): 283-298.
  • R.F. Park, W.H.P. Boshoff, A.L. Cabral, J. Chong, J.A. Martinelli, M. McMullen, J.W. Mitchell-Fetch, E. Paczos-Grzeda, E. Prats, J. Roake, S. Sowa, L. Ziems, D. Singh 2022. Breeding oat for resistance to the crown rust pathogen Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae: achievements and prospects. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 135: 3709-3734
  • Z. Spelman, B. Visser, T. Terefe, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff 2022. Pathogenicity and microsatellite characterization of Puccinia hordei in South Africa. Crop Protection 106014 2022
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, A.R. Wood, B. Visser, C.M. Bender, L. Jouberta, J. Richterd, M. Catherine Aime, Z.A. Pretorius. 2022. The life cycle of Puccinia digitariae on Digitaria eriantha and Solanum species in South Africa. Mycologia 114(2): 319-336.
  • N. Athiyannan, M. Abrouk, W.H.P. Boshoff, S. Cauet, N. Rodde, D. Kudrna, N. Mohammed, J. Bettgenhaeuser, K. Botha, S. Derman, R.A. Wing, R. Prins, S.G. Krattinger. 2022. Long-read genome sequencing of bread wheat facilitates disease resistance gene cloning. Nature Genetics 54: 227-231. 
  • H.J. van Schalkwyk, T. Adams, A. Persoons, W.H.P. Boshoff, R. Wanyera, M. Hovmøller, C. Uauy, L. Boyd, Z.A. Pretorius, R. Prins, D.G.O. Saunders. 2022. Pathogenomic analyses of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici supports a close genetic relationship between South and East Africa. Plant Pathology 71: 279-288.
  • J. Zhang, T. Hewitt, W.H.P. Boshoff, I. Dundas, N. Upadhyaya, J. Li, M. Patpour, S. Chandramohan, Z.A. Pretorius, M. Hovmøller, W. Schnippenkoetter, R. Park, R. Mago, S. Periyannan, D. Bhatt, S. Hoxha, S. Chakraborty, M. Luo, P. Dodds, B. Steuernagel, B. Wulff, M. Ayliffe, R. McIntosh, P. Zhang, E. Lagudah 2021. A recombined Sr26 and Sr61 disease resistance gene stack in wheat encodes unrelated NLR genes. Nature Communications 12: 3378. 
  • C.M. Bender, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius 2021. Infection and colonization of triticale by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 43: (sup2), S198-S210.
  • A. Maré, W.H.P. Boshoff, L Herselman 2021. Molecular and phenotypic evaluation of wheat containing different combinations of rust resistance genes. Plant Breeding 140(3): 419-431. 
  • G. Yang, W.H.P. Boshoff, H. Li, Z.A. Pretorius, Q. Luo, B. Li, Z. Li, Q. Zheng 2021. Chromosomal composition analysis and molecular marker development for the novel Ug99–resistant wheat–Thinopyrum ponticum translocation line WTT34. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 134, 1587–1599.
  • R. Labuschagne, E. Venter, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius, T. Terefe, B. Visser 2021. Historical development of the Puccinia triticina population in South Africa. Plant Disease 105 (9): 2445-2452.
  • W.B. Meyer, W.H.P. Boshoff, A. Minnaar-Ontong, A. Young, G. Kong, S. Thompson, Z.A. Pretorius, B. Visser 2021. Phenotypic and genotypic variation of Puccinia helianthi in South Africa. Plant Disease 105 (5),1482-1489.
  • Z.A. Pretorius, E. Wessels, R. Prins, C.M. Bender, B. Visser, W.H.P. Boshoff. 2020. Accomplishments in wheat rust research in South Africa. South African Journal of Science 116 (11/12), Art. #7688. 
  • A. Maré, W.H.P. Boshoff, L Herselman 2020. Molecular breeding of wheat lines for multiple rust and Fusarium head blight resistance. Euphytica 216, 163.  
  • R. Prins, B.J. Steffenson, A.J. Case, W.H.P. Boshoff, G.M. Agenbag, Z.A. Pretorius 2020. Assessments and perspectives on stem rust resistance in South African malting barley. Australasian Plant Pathology 49: 679–690.  
  • G.J. Maree, H.D. Castelyn, C.M. Bender, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius. 2020. Comparing infection and colonisation of Puccinia graminis in barley and wheat. Australasian Journal of Plant Pathology 49, 431-445.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius, T. Terefe, B., Visser. 2020. Occurrence and pathogenicity of Puccinia coronata avenae f. sp. avenae on oat in South Africa. Crop Protection 133, 105144.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser, C.M. Lewis, T.M. Adams, D.G.O. Saunders, T. Terefe, T. Soko, N. Chiuraise, Z.A. Pretorius. 2020. First Report of Puccinia striiformis on wheat in Zimbabwe. Plant Disease 104 (1), 290.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser, T. Terefe, Z.A. Pretorius 2019. Diversity in Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae and its impact on oat cultivar response in South Africa. European Journal of Plant Pathology 155, 1165-1177.
  • H. Li, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius, Q. Zheng, B. Li, Z. Li 2019. Establishment of wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum translocation lines with resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Ug99. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 46, 406-407.
  • N. Yekelo, L. Rothmann, C.M. Bender, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff 2019. Response of an international triticale collection to Puccinia triticina and Puccinia recondita and assessment of temperature sensitivity in leaf rust isolates. Cereal Research Communications 47 (3), 496–505.
  • Z.A. Pretorius, G.J. Booysen, W.H.P. Boshoff, J.H. Joubert, G.J. Maree, J. Els 2019. Additive Manufacturing of Devices used for Collection and Application of Cereal Rust Urediniospores. Frontiers in Plant Science.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, C.M. Bender, Z.A. Pretorius 2019. The value of field ratings of differential lines for pathotyping Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. European Journal of Plant Pathology. https://doi10.1007/s10658-019-01754-7
  • E. Wessels, R. Prins, W.H.P. Boshoff, J.D. Zurn, M. Acevedo, Z.A. Pretorius 2019. Mapping a Resistance Gene to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in the Bread Wheat Cultivar Matlabas. Plant Disease.
  • G.J. Maree, R. Prins, L.A. Boyd, H.D. Castelyn, C.M. Bender, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius 2019. Assessing the individual and combined effects of QTL for adult plant stripe rust resistance derived from Cappelle-Desprez. Agronomy.
  • T. Terefe, Z.A. Pretorius, B. Visser, W.H.P. Boshoff. 2019. First Report of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Race PTKSK, a Variant of Wheat Stem Rust Race Ug99 in South Africa. Plant Disease.
  • G.J. Maree, R. Prins, C.M. Bender, W.H.P. Boshoff, T.G. Negussie, Z. A. Pretorius. 2019. Phenotyping Kariega x Avocet S doubled haploid lines containing individual and combined adult plant stripe rust resistance loci. Plant Pathology 68 (4), 659-668.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, R. Prins, C. de Klerk, S.G. Krattinger, C.M. Bender, G.J. Maree, L. Rothmann, Z.A. Pretorius. 2019. Point inoculation method for measuring adult plant response of wheat to stripe rust infection. Plant Disease.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, C.M. Bender, Z.A. Pretorius. 2019. Reaction of South African rye, triticale and barley forage cultivars to stem and leaf rust. SA Journal of Plant and Soil 36(2), 77-82. https://doi:10.1080/02571862.2018.1522381
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, Z. A. Pretorius, T. Terefe, C.M. Bender, L. Herselman, G.J. Maree, B. Visser 2018. Phenotypic and genotypic description of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici race 2SA55 in South Africa. European Journal of Plant Pathology 152(3), 783-789. https://doi:10.1007/s10658-018-1527-3
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, R. Labuschagne, T. Terefe, Z. A. Pretorius, B. Visser 2018. New Puccinia triticina races on wheat in South Africa. Australasian Plant Pathology 47, 325-334.



  • Pretorius, Z.A., Bender, C.M. and Boshoff, W.H.P. (2024) The Repository of South African Plant Rust Images. Available at:  





  • I. du Toit, W.H.P. Boshoff, L.A. Rothmann, B. Visser 2024. Monitoring of wheat rust in South-Africa with MARPLE-diagnostics. South African Academy for Science and Art. Bloemfontein, South Africa. 30-31 October 2024. (In Afrikaans).
  • A. Coetzer, A. Maré, W.H.P. Boshoff 2024. First report of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici race 142E30A+ on wheat in South Africa. South African Academy for Science and Art. Bloemfontein, South Africa. 30-31 October 2024. (In Afrikaans).
  • B. Visser, T. Terefe, C.M. Bender, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff. 2024. Wheat rust surveillance in South Africa: past, present and future. Paper delivered at the Annual post-graduate symposium of the Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 21 October 2024.
  • J. du Plooy, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser 2024. Identification of putative virulence effector genes from Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. Paper delivered at the Annual post-graduate symposium of the Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 21 October 2024.
  • L. Rothmann, E.M. Del Ponte, W.H.P. Boshoff, & Z.A. Pretorius. 2024. Plant rust research in South Africa: "A picture is worth a thousand words." APS Plant Health Conference. 27-30 July 2024. Memphis, Tennessee, USA. 
  • T.G. Terefe, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff. 2024. Virulence diversity of Puccinia triticina in South Africa and the response of wheat cultivars and breeding lines to new races. 20th International Plant Protection Congress. 1-5 July 2024; Athens, Greece.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, W.B. Meyer, L. Maphobole, A. Coetzer, C.M. Bender, T.G. Terefe, Z.A. Pretorius, B. Visser 2024. Mitigating the threat of rust pathogens of food and forage crops in South Africa. Paper delivered 15th Southern African Plant Breeding Symposium. Monte Bello Estate, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 11th - 13th March 2024. 
  • M. Figueroa, E.C. Henningsen, D. Lewis, T. Hewitt, M. Outram, T. Arndell, C. Blundell, J. Chen, R. Mago, T.D. Nguyen, E. Hartwig, R. Spanner, E. Nazareno, L. Hickey, Y.-F. Huang, B. Visser, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff, E. Stone, N. Nienser, M. Moscou, D. Saunders, P. Silva, S. German, P. Campos, B. Steffenson, S.F. Kianian, T. Vanhercke, J. Sperschneider, P.N. Dodds. 2024. Securing crops against rust pathogens: Robigus in the modern times. Thirty-second Fungal Genetics Conference. 12-17 March 2024. Pacific Grove, California, USA.
  • R.E. Spanner, E.C. Henningsen, F. Li, O. Matny, D. Hodson, N. Virzì, K.-P. Nguyen, M. Moscou, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff, J. Sperschneider, P. Dodds, B. Steffenson, M. Figueroa. 2024. Understanding the role of somatic hybridisation in global wheat stem rust epidemics through the development of haplotype-phased reference genome assemblies. Fungal Genetics Conference. 12-17 March 2024. Pacific Grove, California, USA. 
  • N.A. Ntjabane, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser & M.S. Mafa. 2024. Unravelling functions of the modified cell wall in Thatcher and ThatcherLr9 wheat infected by Puccinia triticina. South African Association of Botanists Conference. Richards bay campus, University of Zululand, South Africa. 7 to 11 January 2024.
  • B.N. Gqola, J. Mebalo W.H.P. Boshoff & T.G. Terefe. 2024. Virulence diversity of Puccinia trichina collected from wheat and triticale in South Africa from 2021 to 2022. Combined Crops, Soils, Horticulture and Weeds Congress. Wilderness Hotel, George. 22-25 January 2024.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser, C.M. Bender, Z.A. Pretorius 2024. The response of Allium species and varieties to Puccinia porri in South Africa. Paper delivered at the 53rd congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathologists, Golden Gate National Park, Clarens, South Africa. 22-25 January 2024.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser, Z.A. Pretorius 2024. Thinopyrum distichum as a possible ancillary host for cereal rusts in South Africa. Poster presented at the 53rd congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathologists, Golden Gate National Park, Clarens, South Africa. 22-25 January 2024.
  • T.G. Terefe, W.H.P. Boshoff, R.F. Park, Z.A. Pretorius, B. Visser 2024.- Virulence diversity of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici on wheat and triticale in South Africa. Paper delivered at the 53rd congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathologists, Golden Gate National Park, Clarens, South Africa. 22-25 January 2024.
  • M.E. Tsotetsi, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser 2024. Sequence analysis of the AvrSr35 and AvrSr50 avirulence genes in South African Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici isolates. Paper delivered at the 53rd congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathologists, Golden Gate National Park, Clarens, South Africa. 22-25 January 2024.
  • C.M. Bender, S.I. Hlongwa, W.B. Meyer, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff 2024. Macro- and microscopic phenotyping of Uromyces appendiculatus on beans. Poster presented at the 53rd congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathologists, Golden Gate National Park, Clarens, South Africa. 22-25 January 2024.
  • A. Coetzer, T. Terefe, A. Maré, J. Mebalo, B. Gqola, W.B. Meyer, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff 2024. Virulence of a new race of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici detected on wheat in South Africa. Poster presented at the 53rd congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathologists, Golden Gate National Park, Clarens, South Africa. 22-25 January 2024.
  • L.A. Maphobole, B. Visser, W.B. Meyer, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff 2024. Pathogenicity and microsatellite analysis of Puccinia sorghi isolates in South Africa. Poster presented at the 53rd congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathologists, Golden Gate National Park, Clarens, South Africa. 22-25 January 2024.
  • D. Ramovha, C.M. Bender, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser 2024. A study of Puccinia coronata isolates from oat and Phalaris aquatica in South Africa. Poster presented at the 53rd congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathologists, Golden Gate National Park, Clarens, South Africa. 22-25 January 2024.
  • I. du Toit, L.A. Rothmann, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser 2024. Triazole fungicide sensitivity among South African Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici isolates. Paper delivered at the 53rd congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathologists, Golden Gate National Park, Clarens, South Africa. 22-25 January 2024.
  • T.G. Terefe, B. Visser, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff 2024. Variation in Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici and P. triticina on wheat in South Africa and reaction of commercial cultivars and breeding lines to recently identified races. ARC-DALRRD Conference, ARC-VIMP, Roodeplaat, Pretoria, South-Africa. 12-14 February 2024. 
  • I. du Toit, L. A. Rothmann, W. H. P. Boshoff, & B. Visser. 2023. The sensitivity to triazole fungicides among South African Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici isolates. Paper delivered at the Annual post-graduate symposium of the Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 23-25 October 2022.
  • A. Coetzer, A. Maré, & W.H.P. Boshoff. 2023. First report of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici race 142E30A+ on wheat in South Africa. Paper delivered at the Annual post-graduate symposium of the Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 23-25 October 2022.
  • K. Pule, W.H.P. Boshoff, & A. Maré. 2023. Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of wheat plants developed for combined rust and Fusarium head blight resistance. Paper delivered at the Annual post-graduate symposium of the Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 23-25 October 2022.
  • W.B. Meyer, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser 2022. Puccinia helianthi race variants and sunflower hybrid responses. Paper delivered at the Annual post-graduate symposium of the Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 21-24 November 2022.
  • T. Makhetha, W.H.P. Boshoff, A. Marè 2022. The phenotypic and genotypic validation of leaf rust resistance in wheat varieties. Paper delivered at the Annual post-graduate symposium of the Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 22-23 November 2022.
  • T.G. Terefe, B. Visser, Z.A. Pretorius , W.H.P. Boshoff. 2022. The continual emergence of new Puccinia triticina races on wheat in South Africa. 52nd SASPP Conference. 1-3 August 2022. Future Africa, University of Pretoria.
  • C.M. Bender, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser, A.R. Wood, L. Rothmann, Z.A. Pretorius. 2022. Fig rust: an unexplored disease in South Africa. 1-3 August 2022. Future Africa, University of Pretoria.
  • I. du Toit, W.H.P. Boshoff, L.A. Rothmann, B. Visser. 2022. Fungicide sensitivity among South African Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici isolates. 1-3 August 2022. Future Africa, University of Pretoria.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, T.G. Terefe, B. Visser1, C.M. Bender, Z.A. Pretorius. 2022. Rust diseases of food and forage crops in South Africa: new threats and research to mitigate their impact. 1-3 August 2022. Future Africa, University of Pretoria.
  • Z. Spelman, B. Visser, T. Terefe, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff. 2022. Pathogenicity and microsatellite characterization of Puccinia hordei in South Africa. 1-3 August 2022. Future Africa, University of Pretoria.
  • A.R. Wood, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser, C.M. Bender, Z.A. Pretorius. 2022. The heteroecious life cycle of Puccinia digitariae on Digitaria eriantha and Solanum species, the first to be elucidated in South Africa in a century. 1-3 August 2022. Future Africa, University of Pretoria.
  • M.E. Tsotetsi, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser. 2022. Functional analysis of the AvrSr50 avirulence gene in South African Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici isolates. 1-3 August 2022. Future Africa, University of Pretoria.
  • W.B. Meyer, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser. 2022. Identification of new Puccinia helianthi race variants in South Africa and their impact on sunflower hybrids. 1-3 August 2022. Future Africa, University of Pretoria.
  • B. Visser, C.M. Bender, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius. 2022. Back to the future: using herbarium specimens to reconstruct the genetic development of two wheat rusts in South Africa. 1-3 August 2022. Future Africa, University of Pretoria.
  • W.B. Meyer, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser. 2022. South African sunflower rust race variants and hybrid responses. 33rd SANSOR Annual Conference. 8-9 June. The President Hotel Bantry Bay, Western-Cape. Awarded the Best PhD Research Poster Presented.
  • H. Bilal, W.H.P. Boshoff, L. Mohase. 2022. Exogenous application of salicylic acid and Puccinia triticina pre-inoculation reduces Diuraphis noxia induced leaf damage in wheat. Plant resistance to insects workshop (25IPRI), 31st May-2nd June. Best Western Malmö Hotel, Hyllie Boulevard 12, Malmö, Sweden. 
  • K. Venter, A. Maré, L. Herselman, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff 2022. Rust response of the Watkins Core Collection of wheat landraces. Protea Hotel by Marriott, Stellenbosch, 6-9th March 2022.
  • N. Chiuraise, B. Visser, A. Maré, W.H.P. Boshoff 2022. Status of resistance to Puccinia triticina in Zimbabwean wheat germplasm. Protea Hotel by Marriott, Stellenbosch, 6-9th March 2022.
  • W.B. Meyer, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser 2022. Occurrence and pathogenicity of Puccinia helianthi on sunflower in South Africa. Protea Hotel by Marriott, Stellenbosch, 6-9th March 2022.
  • W.B. Meyer, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser 2021. Race diversity of Puccinia helianthi in South Africa (presented in Afrikaans). Student Symposium Natural Sciences. South African Academy for Science and Art. Potchefstroom, 28-29 October 2021. Virtual.
  • W.B. Meyer, W.H. P. Boshoff, A. Minnaar-Ontong, B. Visser 2021. An overview of virulence and genotypic assessment of South African Puccinia helianthi isolates. Annual post-graduate symposium of the Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology at University of Johannesburg. 9-12 November 2021, Virtual. Awarded 2nd best talk in PhD category.
  • Z. Spelman, B. Visser, W.H. P. Boshoff 2021. Phenotypic and genotypic variation of Puccinia hordei in South Africa. Annual post-graduate symposium of the Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology at University of Johannesburg. 9-12 November 2021, Virtual.
  • T.G. Terefe, B. Visser, W.H.P. Boshoff 2021. Diversity in Puccinia triticina on wheat in South Africa from 2017 to 2020. 2021 BGRI Virtual Technical Workshop - Global Resilience: Science, Pandemics, and the Future of Wheat. 6-8 October 2021.
  • L. Herselman, A. Maré, W.H.P. Boshoff & Z.A. Pretorius 2020. Wheat pre-breeding for rust and Fusarium head blight resistance at the University of the Free State. 13th SAPBA Conference. 8-11 March 2020. Future Africa, University of Pretoria.
  • C.M. Bender, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius 2019. The impact of new races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici on South African wheat cultivars.  51st Congress of the SASPP. 21-23 January 2019, Club Mykonos, Langebaan.
  • H. Minnaar, R. Prins, C.M. Bender, G.J. Maree, W.H.P. Boshoff 2019. Phenotypic expression of stripe rust resistance using spray and point inoculation. 51st Congress of the SASPP. 21-23 January 2019, Club Mykonos, Langebaan.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser, T. Terefe, Z.A. Pretorius 2019. Pathogenic variability in and oat cultivar response to Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae in South Africa. 51st Congress of the SASPP. 21-23 January 2019, Club Mykonos, Langebaan.  
  • W.B. Meyer, W.H.P. Boshoff, A. Minnaar-Ontong, B. Visser 2019. Phenotypic and genotypic variation of Puccinia helianthi in South Africa. 51st Congress of the SASPP. 21-23 January, Club Mykonos, Langebaan.
  • T.V. Masisi, L. Rothmann, C.M. Bender, G.J. Maree, W.H.P. Boshoff 2019. Resistance response of irrigation wheat cultivars to stripe rust under different temperature regimes. SANSOR Annual Conference. 21-24 May. Umlazi, KwaZulu-Natal. 
  • T.V. Masisi, L. Rothmann, C.M. Bender, G.J. Maree, W.H.P. Boshoff 2019. Comparative virulence of stripe rust pathotype 6E22A+ and field isolate GWK2015_56. Cereal Science and Technology SA (CST-SA). 3rd New Voices Symposium. 11th September 2019. The Grain Building Pretoria. 
  • P.P. Myburgh, A. Maré, W.H.P. Boshoff 2019. Phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of South African winter wheat cultivars for stem rust resistance. 3rd November 2019. Annual post-graduate symposium of the Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology at University of Johannesburg. Awarded runner-up for the BSc Honours category.
  • R. Prins, C. de Klerk, W.H.P. Boshoff, M. Abbrouk, J. Bettgenhaeuser, H. Minnaar, Z.A. Pretorius, J. Doležel, H. Šimková, E. Wessels, M. Horn, S.G. Krattinger. 2019. Pursuing the partial stripe rust resistance QYr.sgi-4A.1 gene of the wheat cultivar Kariega. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII / 12-16 January 2019. San Diego, CA, USA.
  • M. Chemonges, L. Herselman, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius 2019. Genetic analysis reveals monogenic resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in South African winter wheat varieties. 1stIWC, Saskatoon, Canada.
  • A. Maré, L. Herselman, W.H.P. Boshoff 2019. Development of wheat lines with complex resistance to rusts and Fusarium head blight. 1stIWC, Saskatoon, Canada.
  • T.G. Terefe, R. Labuschagne, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Visser, Z.A. Pretorius. 2018. Diversity in Puccinia triticina on wheat and triticale in South Africa. Presented at the Combined Crops, Soils, Horticulture and Weeds Congress, 14-18 January 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • J Zhang, T Hewitt, P Zhang, ZA. Pretorius, N Upadhyaya, W Schnippenkoetter, I Dundas, RA. McIntosh, R Mago, S Periyannan, RF Park, WHP Boshoff, X Kong, S Hoxha, B Steuernagel, BH Wulff, ES Lagudah 2018. Isolation of durable wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr26. BGRI, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Z.A. Pretorius, G.J. Booysen, W.H.P. Boshoff, J.H. Joubert 2018. Innovative manufacturing of a cereal rust inoculation device. BGRI, Marrakech, Morocco. Best poster award.
  • M. Chemonges, L. Herselman, B. Visser, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius 2018. Genetics of stem rust resistance in South African winter wheat varieties. BGRI, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • J. Zhang, T. Hewitt, P. Zhang, Z.A. Pretorius, N. Upadhyaya, W. Schnippenkoetter, I. Dundas, R.A. McIntosh, T. Richardson, R.F. Park, R. Mago, S. Periyannan, W.H.P. Boshoff, B. Steuernagel, B.B.H. Wulff, E. Lagudah 2018. Isolation of an immune receptor gene from tall wheat grass confers resistance to diverse races of stem rust in common wheat. 15th ICRPMC. 23 – 27 September 2018. Kruger National Park, South Africa.
  • R. Labuschagne, T. Terefe, W.H.P. Boshoff, Z.A. Pretorius, E. Venter, B. Visser 2018. Development of the Puccinia triticina population in South Africa. 15th ICRPMC. 23 – 27 September 2018. Kruger National Park, South Africa.
  • A. Maré, W.H.P. Boshoff, L Herselman 2018. Doubled haploid wheat lines with combined rusts and Fusarium head blight resistance. 15th ICRPMC. 23 – 27 September 2018. Kruger National Park, South Africa.
  • H. Li, Z.A. Pretorius, W.H.P. Boshoff, Q. Zheng, B. Li, Z. Li 2018. Establishment of new wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum translocation lines with resistance to Ug99 races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. 15th ICRPMC. 23 – 27 September 2018. Kruger National Park, South Africa.
  • R. Prins, C. Smit, E. Wessels, W.H.P. Boshoff, H. Minnaar, Z.A. Pretorius, M. Abbrouk, M. Horn, J. Doležel, H. Šimková, S.G. Krattinger 2018. A step closer to an improved understanding of the partial stripe rust resistance QYr.sgi-4A.1 region of the South African wheat cultivar Kariega. 15th ICRPMC. 23 – 27 September 2018. Kruger National Park, South Africa.
  • T.G. Terefe, B. Visser, W.H.P. Boshoff, L. Herselman, T. Soko, N. Chiuraise, J. Siwale, B. Mutari, D.P. Hodson, Z.A. Pretorius 2018. Evidence of wheat rust inoculum exchange between southern African countries. 15th ICRPMC. 23 – 27 September 2018. Kruger National Park, South Africa.
  • W.H.P. Boshoff, C.M. Bender, Z.A. Pretorius 2018. Can field ratings of differential lines be used for wheat stem rust pathotyping? 15th ICRPMC. 23 – 27 September 2018. Kruger National Park, South Africa.



  • Boshoff W.H.P. 2024. Stem rust in wheat – the Southern African perspective. On-line seminar to MSc Students taking the course Plant Breeding (BI1296) and Protection for Sustainable Production. Department of Plant Protection Biology. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. (13 February 2024) 

  • Boshoff W.H.P. 2023. Stem rust in wheat – the Southern African perspective. On-line seminar to MSc Students taking the course Plant Breeding (BI1296) and Protection for Sustainable Production. Department of Plant Protection Biology. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. (15 February 2023)

  • Boshoff W.H.P. 2022. Stem rust in wheat – the Southern African perspective. On-line seminar to MSc Students taking the course Plant Breeding (BI1296) and Protection for Sustainable Production. Department of Plant Protection Biology. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. (16 February 2022)

  • Boshoff W.H.P. 2021. Disease resistance in small grain cereals: The South African approach. National Science and Technology Forum, Discussion Forum, Plant health in South Africa – threats to biosecurity, biodiversity and food security. 10-11 June 2021.

  • Boshoff W.H.P. 2019-2021. Stem rust in wheat – the Southern African perspective. On-line seminar to MSc Students taking the course Plant Breeding (BI1296) and Protection for Sustainable Production. Department of Plant Protection Biology. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.



  • W.H.P. Boshoff 2023. The control of Fusarium head blight under irrigation. On invitation from OMNIA. Farmers pre-plant information day. Bothaville. 22 February 2023.

  • W.H.P. Boshoff 2023. The control of rust diseases following outbreaks in the warmer irrigation areas during the 2022 season. On invitation from AECI Planthealth. Training for Chemical representatives. Bloemfontein. 7 March 2023.


  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Visser, B., Bender C.M., & Pretorius, Z.A. 2025. Rust as a factor in the production of Allium crops. SeedNews 2025, Summer Issue, 25. 

  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Visser, B., & Pretorius, Z.A. 2024. Fig rust under the spot light (In Afrikaans). Vegetables & Fruit 218 July/August 2024, 24-25.

  • Boshoff W.H.P. & Pretorius, Z.A. 2024. Rust fungi is a factor in the production of oat (In Afrikaans). Wheat Focus 42.4, July/August 2024, 26-27. 

  • Terefe, T. & Boshoff, W.H.P. 2024. Wheat leaf rust – a widely distributed disease in South Africa. Wheat Focus 42.4, July/August 2024, 22-23.

  • Terefe, T., Boshoff, W.H.P. & Pretorius, Z.A. 2024. Stem rust remains a threat to wheat production in South Africa. Lead article.SA-Grain 51. June 2024.

  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Visser, B., Bender C.M., & Pretorius, Z.A. 2024. Rust can damage garlic, spring onions, and leek. (in Afrikaans). Vegetables & Fruit 218 Marc/April 2024, 30. 

  • Du Toit, I., Boshoff, W.H.P., Rothmann L. & Visser B. 2023. Fungicide sensitivity among isolates of the stem rust fungus on small grains (in Afrikaans). SA-Grain 50 (71), 38-39. 

  • Terefe, T., Boshoff, W.H.P., Coetzer, A. 2023. Stripe rust on wheat – new race detected. Lead article. SA-Grain 50 (5), 8-11.

  • Visser, B., Boshoff, W.H.P., Pretorius, Z.A. 2022. Lessons from the past: herbarium samples share light on wheat rust in South Africa (in Afrikaans). Koringfokus 40.6 Nov/Dec 22-23.

  • Pretorius, Z.A. & Boshoff, W.H.P. 2022. In: History of Plant Pathology in South Africa. Cereal Rust Pathology, pp 85-89. 1st Edition. Briza Publications, Pretoria, South Africa.

  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Visser, B., Pretorius, Z.A. 2022. Leaf rust of barley – latest research findings . Wheat Focus 40.4 Jul/Aug 10-11. 

  • Terefe T. & Boshoff W.H.P. 2022. New leaf rust races detected on wheat in South Africa. SA-Grain 49 (5), 48-49. 

  • Pretorius, Z.A., Prins, R., Bender, C.M., Visser, B., Boshoff, W.H.P. 2021. Stripe rust 25 years later: Collaboration turned hysteria around. (in Afrikaans). Wheat Focus 39.5 Sept/Oct 22-24. 

  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Lesch, D., Wessels, E., Pretorius, Z.A. 2021. Increased incidence of wheat stem rust in the south-eastern production areas of the Western Cape during the 2020-season (in Afrikaans). Wheat Focus 39.3 May/Jun 10-11.

  • Terefe T., Boshoff W.H.P. 2020. Wheat blast disease detected in southern Africa. Wheat Focus 38.6 November/Desember 20-21. (Awarded best article in edition)

  • Terefe T., Boshoff W.H.P. 2020. The wheat blast disease threat. Farmers Weekly. 20 November 2020. 38-40.

  • Visser, B., Boshoff, W.H.P., Pretorius, Z.A. 2020. International research reveals the long-distance dispersal of wheat stem rust urediniospore. Wheat Focus 38.6 Nov/Dec 26-27.

  • Meyer, W.B., Boshoff, W.H.P., Minnaar-Ontong, A., Visser, B. 2020. Sunflower rust – new aggressive races concern (in Afrikaans). Grain SA 22 (9), 44-45.

  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Visser B., Pretorius, Z.A. 2020. Oat crown rust – this rust disease can appear early in the season on susceptible cultivars (in Afrikaans). Wheat Focus 38.4 July/August 16-17.

  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Kilian, W., Bender, C.M., Pretorius, Z.A. 2020. Rust outbreak – setback for summer wheat production in the eastern Free State (in Afrikaans). Wheat Focus 38.4 July/August 6-7.

  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Bender, C.M., Pretorius, Z.A. 2020. The occurrence of rust diseases on rye, triticale and barley in South Africa (in Afrikaans). Wheat Focus 38.3 May/June 22-25. (Awarded best article in edition)

  • Visser, B., Boshoff, W.H.P., Pretorius, Z.A. 2020. Berberis – A unknown factor in the struggle against wheat stem and stripe rust in South-Africa (in Afrikaans). Wheat Focus 38.2 March/April 2020 8-11. (Awarded best article in edition)

  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Visser B., Pretorius, Z.A. 2020. Oat stem rust – take informed decisions on cultivar response (in Afrikaans. Wheat Focus 38.1 Jan/Feb 20-21. (Awarded best article in edition)

  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Pretorius, Z.A., Terefe, T. 2019. Wheat rust - appearance of new races requires increased awareness (In Afrikaans). Wheat Focus 37.1 Jan/Feb 10-11. (Awarded best article in edition)

  • Boshoff, W.H.P., Bender, C.M., Pretorius, Z.A. 2018. Research on wheat rusts not to be down scaled (In Afrikaans). Wheat Focus 36.1 Jan/Feb 13-14.


Research on rust diseases of field crops including pathogen variability and genetic resistance.  

Area(s) of Interest

My main research interest includes pathogenic variation of rust pathogens of field crops, genetic resistance including cultivar characterisation and the identification and genetic analyses of new sources of genetic resistance with the potential of durable control.  

Courses Presented

Post Graduate Students Supervised/Co-supervised

  • Ansori Marè 2017. Development of wheat lines with complex resistance to rust and Fusarium head blight. PhD Agric. Department of Plant Sciences, UFS, Co-Promoter (Awarded the best PhD student in Plant Breeding). (Three peer reviewed papers published).

  • Martin Chemonges 2020. Wheat stem rust – genetic analyses of resistance in SA winter wheat cultivars. PhD Agric. Department of Plant Sciences, UFS, Co-Promoter. (Two peer reviewed papers published).

  • Cornel Bender 2020. Stem rust resistance in South African wheat and triticale cultivars. PhD Agric. Department of Plant Sciences, UFS, Co-Promoter. (Two peer papers published).

  • Wilku Meyer 2020. Phenotypic and genotypic variation of Puccinia helianthi in South Africa. MSc Botany. Department of Plant Sciences, UFS, Co-Supervisor (Passed with Distinction). Co-awarded the Junior Kaptein Scott Memorial Medal for the best MSc in Plant Sciences at a South African University by the South African Academy for Science and Art). Awarded E.M. van Zinderen Bakker prize for outstanding MSc in Botany. (Peer reviewed paper published, popular paper published).

  • Kholosa Maqolo 2020. Characterizing a new source of wheat stem rust resistance. MSc Plant Breeding. Department of Plant Sciences, UFS, Co-Supervisor. (Passed with Distinction)

  • Zizipho Spelman 2021. MSc Plant Pathology. Occurrence, pathogenicity, and genetic variation of Puccinia hordei in South Africa. Supervisor (Passed with Distinction). (Peer reviewed paper published, popular paper published)

  • Ridokunda Sivhada 2022. MSc Plant breeding - Influence of stripe rust resistance genes on yield and gluten protein composition in bread wheat genotypes. Co-Supervisor 

  • Huzaifa Bilal 2023. PhD Botany - Priming effect of leaf rust and salicylic acid in Russian wheat aphid resistance. Co-Promoter.

  • Nyasha Chiuraise 2023. PhD Plant Pathology - Pathogen variation and genetic control of Puccinia triticina in Zimbabwe. Promotor.

  • Isabella du Toit 2023. MSc Botany - Triazole fungicide sensitivity among South African Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici isolates. Co-supervisor. (Passed with Distinction)

  • Emily Tsotetsi 2023. MSc Botany - Functional analysis of AvrSr35 and AvrSr50 avirulence genes in South African Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici isolates. Co-supervisor. (Passed with Distinction)

  • L. Maphobole 2024. MSc Plant Pathology - Phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of Puccinia sorghi isolates from South Africa. Supervisor. (Passed with Distinction – awarded for exceptional MSc by NAS)


Fourth Year/Honours Students Supervised/Co-supervised

  • E. Semu (2015215771) 2017. The global threat of wheat rust. Literature review. BSc Hons Plant Pathology.

  • N. Yekelo (2013094996) 2017. A comparative study of virulence and growth rate between rye and wheat leaf rust. Final year research project BSc Agric. Plant Pathology.

  • K. Kemp (2014135871) 2018. Characterisation and transfer of wheat leaf rust genes to South African cultivars. Literature review. BSc Agric. Plant Breeding. (Best presentation – Plant Sciences)

  • K. Kemp (2014135871) 2018. Breeding for durable leaf rust resistance: Past, present and future. Final year research project BSc Agric. Plant Breeding.

  • T.B. Masisi (2014058628) 2018. Comparative virulence of stripe rust pathotype 6E22A+ and field isolate GWK2015_56. Final year project BSc Agric. Plant Pathology.

  • P.P. Myburgh (2015011279) 2019. Challenges in breeding for stem rust resistance in wheat. Literature review BSc Agric. Plant Breeding.

  • P.P. Myburgh (2015011279) 2019. Phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of South African winter wheat cultivars for stem rust resistance. Final year research project BSc Agric. Plant Breeding.

  • Z. Spelman (2015104728) 2019. Control of barley leaf rust. Literature review. Final year BSc Agric. Plant Pathology.

  • Z. Spelman (2015104728) 2019. Occurrence, pathogenicity and genetic variation of Puccinia hordei in South Africa. Final year research project BSc Agric. Plant Pathology. (Best presentation – Plant Sciences)

  • I. du Toit (2016042547) 2020. An overview of fungicide resistance in modern agriculture. Literature review BSc Hons. Botany.

  • I. du Toit (2016042547) 2020. Correlation analysis of fungicide resistance and the CYP51 gene sequence in four South African wheat stem rust races. Research project BSc Hons Botany. Awarded best BSc Hons student in Botany. (Best presentation – Plant Sciences)

  • A.A. Smit (2016027142) 2020. Cloning of plant disease resistance and avirulence genes. Literature review. BSc Agric. Plant Breeding.

  • A.A. Smit (2016027142) 2020. Phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of wheat varieties with potential new sources of rust resistance. Final year research project BSc Agric. Plant Breeding.

  • M.E. Tsotetsi (2016244697) 2020. Determination and characterization of the sequence variation in the AvrSr35 gene in South African wheat stem rust races. Research project BSc Hons Botany.

  • S. Mpanza (2013062498) 2020.Crown rust – the most devastating disease of oat. Literature review. BSc Agric. Plant Pathology.

  • S. Mpanza (2013062498) 2020. Characterising a new race of Puccinia coronata Corda var. avenae f. sp. avenae. Final year research project BSc Agric. Plant Pathology.

  • L. Maphobole (2017154440) 2021. Common rust of maize caused by Puccinia sorghi. Literature review BSc Agric. Plant Pathology.

  • L. Maphobole (2017154440) 2021. Characterising isolates of Puccinia sorghi. Final year research project BSc Agric. Plant Pathology.

  • R. Dembe (2016181378) 2021. Genetic mechanisms whereby rust fungi convert from avirulence to virulence. Literature review BSc Hons Botany.

  • R. Dembe (2016181378) 2021. Identification of eggplant (Solanum melongena) rust as Puccinia penicillariae. Research project BSc Hons Botany.

  • S.I. Hlongwa (2020722753) 2022. Bean production in South Africa and the control of rust. Literature review. BSc Hons Plant Pathology.

  • S.I. Hlongwa (2020722753) 2022. Phenotypic characterisation of Uromyces appendiculatus isolates. Research project BSc Hons Plant Pathology.

  • T. Makhetha (2017272184) 2022. Global Positioning System (GPS) mapping for leaf rust resistance in the wheat genome. Literature review. Final year project BSc Agric. Plant Breeding. (Best presentation – Plant Sciences)

  • T. Makhetha (2017272184) 2022. The phenotypic and genotypic validation of leaf rust resistance in wheat varieties. Final year project BSc Agric. Plant Breeding.

  • A. Coetzer (2019023965) 2023. Control of stripe rust on wheat. Literature review. BSc Hons Plant Pathology. (Best presentation – Plant Sciences)

  • A. Coetzer (2019023965) 2023. Detection of race 142E30A+ of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici presents a threat to local wheat production. Research Project BSc Hons Plant Pathology. (Best presentation – Plant Sciences)

  • K. Pule (2016423275) 2023. Wheat cultivar development. Literature review. BSc Hons Plant Breeding. (2nd Best presentation – Plant Sciences)

  • K. Pule (2016423275) 2023. Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of wheat plants developed for combined rust and Fusarium head blight resistance. Research Project BSc Hons Plant Breeding. (2nd Best presentation – Plant Sciences)

  • N.A. Ntjabane (2017095908) 2023. A sweet plant defence response against pathogens: Rust-grain crops interaction case study. Literature review. BSc Hons Botany.

  • N.A. Ntjabane (2017095908) 2023. Unravelling functions of the modified cell wall in Thatcher and ThatcherLr9 wheat infected by Puccinia triticina. Research Project BSc Hons Botany.

  • A.Z. Magwaba (2019330568) 2024. Rust diseases of barley. Literature review. BSc Agric. Plant Pathology. Best presentation – Plant Sciences

  • J. du Plooy (2019264437) 2024. Fungal effectors: Their role in plant-pathogen interactions. Literature review. BSc Hons Botany.

  • A.Z. Magwaba (2019330568) 2024. Phenotyping of resistance sources to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in barley. Research Project BSc Agric. Plant Pathology. Best presentation – Plant Sciences

  • J. du Plooy (2019264437) 2024. Identification of putative virulence effector genes from Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. Research Project BSc Hons Botany.


Undergraduate Modules 

  • PPLG 3734 Bacterial and Viral Plant Pathology

  • PPLG 3724 Plant Health Management

  • PPLG 4816/6816 Fourth Year/Honours Plant Pathology Literature Reviews

  • PPLG 4808/6808 Fourth Year/Honours Plant Pathology Research Projects


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