RESEARCH OUTPUTS: 1990-1992, 1993-1999, 2000-2004, 2005-2008, 2009-2014
Research outputs 2015:
- De Milander, M., Coetzee, F. & Venter, A. (2015). The ability of parents to identify grade 1-learners with developmental coordination disorder at home. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation 37(3), 55-68.
- De Milander, M., Coetzee, F. & Venter, A. (2015). Perceptual-motor intervention for developmental coordination disorder in grade 1 children. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 37(2), 15-32.
- Schoeman, R., Coetzee, F. & Schall, R. (2015). Positional tackle and collision rates in Super Rugby. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 15, 1022-1036.
Research outputs 2016:
- Bloemhoff, H.J. (2016). Impact of one-day adventure-based experiential learning (ael) programme on life effectiveness skills of adult learners. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 38(2), 27-35.
- Bloemhoff, H.J., Coetzee, B.A. & Raubenheimer, J.E. 2016. Parental Involvement in School Sport: Perceptions of Competitive Rugby Union Players. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES). Vol. 22(3): 932-947.
- De Milander, M., Coetzee, F. & Venter, A. (2016). Prevalence and effect of developmental coordination disorder on learning-related skills of South African grade one children. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 38(2), 49-62.
- De Milander, M., Coetzee, F.F. & Venter, A. (2016). Teachers’ ability to identify children with developmental coordination disorder. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences, 22(4:1), 990-1005.
De Milander, M, Bradley, S. & Fourie, R. (2016). Equine-assisted therapy as intervention for motor proficiency in children with autism spectrum disorder: case studies. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 2016, 38(3): 37 - 49. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Navorsing in Sport, Liggaamlike Opvoedkunde en Ontspanning, 2016, 38(3): 37-49. ISBN: 0379-9069.
Kraak, W., Venter, R. & Coetzee, F. (2016). Scoring and general match profile of Super Rugby between 2008 and 2013. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 16, 786-805.
Le Roux, E., Coetzee, F.F., Van Rensburg, C.J. & Schall, R. (2016). Physiological demands of simulated elite Karate kumite matches. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences, 22(3:2), 833-852.
- Le Roux, E., Coetzee, F.F., Van Rensburg, C.J. & Schall, R. (2016). Time-motion analysis of simulated elite Karate kumite matches. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences, 22(4:1), 1080-1093.
- Morgan, S., Janse van Vuuren, E.C. & Coetzee, F.F. (2016). ‘Causative factors and rehabilitation of patellar tendinopathy: A systematic review’, South African Journal of Physiotherapy, 72(1), a338.
- Naicker, M., Coetzee, D. & Schall, R. (2016). Morphological and skill-related fitness components as potential predictors of injuries in elite female hockey players. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 38(3), 117-131.
- Opperman, M.C., Strydom, G.L., Swanepoel, M. & Monyeki, M.A. (2016). The effectiveness of training and retraining at various frequencies on the aerobic capacity and intrinsic cardiovascular dynamics (systolic time intervals) in South African employees. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences, 22(2:1), 407-427.
- Stroebel, L.C.E., Hay, J. & Bloemhoff, H.J. (2016). Physical education in South Africa: Have we come full circle? South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 38(3), 205-218.
- Strydom, G.L., Opperman, M.C., Coetzee, F.F. & Monyeki, M.A. (2016). The effect of whole body vibration training on selected anthropometric and biochemical parameters in sedentary men. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences, 22(1:1), 134-146.
- Uys, M, Bassett, S, Draper, C.E, Micklesfield, L, Monyeki, A, de Villiers, A, Lambert, E.Vand the HAKSA 2016 Writing Group.(de Milander, M). Results From South Africa’s 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2016, 13 (Suppl 2), S265 -S273.
Research outputs 2017:
- Kraak, W., Coetzee, F. &Venter, R. (2017): Analysis of the general match profile of international rugby union between 2007 and 2013, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport.
- Opperman, M.C., Coetzee, F.F., Strydom, G.L. & Monyeki, M.A. (2017). Cardiovascular responses in sedentary adult men, following a 12-week whole-body vibration training. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences, 23(4), 577-589.
- Schoeman, R., Coetzee, D. & Schall, R. (2017). Comparison of performance indicators between super rugby and Currie cup competition during 2014 season. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 39(3), 135-144.
- Schoeman, R., Coetzee, D. &Schall, R. (2017): Analysis of Super Rugby from 2011 to 2015, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport.
- Stroebel, L.C.E., Hay, J. & Bloemhoff, H.J. (2017). Needs and challenges of foundation phase life skills teachers in delivering physical education: Jack of all trades and master of none? South African Journal for Research
Completed Masters:
- 2015 Dr MC Opperman: MA (HMS) - Supervisor, Indicators of overweight and obesity among female adolescents in a South African Public School.
- 2015 Prof FF Coetzee MA (HMS) – Supervisor , Dr R Schoeman- Co- Supervisor, Mental toughness among rugby players and golfers during periodization phases.
- 2015 Prof FF Coetzee MA (HMS) - Supervisor, Physiological demands and time-motion analysis of simulated karate kumite matches in elite athletes.
- 2015 Prof FF Coetzee MSc – Co- Supervisor, Current practices and prescription of foam roller therapy amongst amateur and recreational athletes.
- 2017 Prof FF Coetzee MSc - Supervisor, Lower limb muscle fatigue on grass and artificial turf playing surfaces among elite soccer players.
- 2018 Prof FF Coetzee MA (HMS) - Supervisor, Freestyle Biomechanics and Shoulder Injuries in Competitive Swimming.
- 2018 Prof FF Coetzee MA (HMS) - Supervisor, Quantifying the physiological positional demands of elite female netball players.
- 2018 Prof FF Coetzee MA (HMS) - Supervisor, The relationship between core stability and athletic performance in athletes.
- 2018 Dr MC Opperman: MA (HMS)- Supervisor, The impact of a physical activity intervention programme on frailty syndrome in elderly citizens in Maseru district, Lesotho.
Completed PhD’s
- 2015 Prof FF Coetzee PhD (HMS) - Promoter, A perceptual-motor intervention programme for grade 1 –learners with developmental coordination disorder.
- 2016 Prof FF Coetzee PhD (HMS) - Promoter, Positional match statistics in Currie Cup and Super Rugby competitions between winning and losing teams.
- 2016 Prof FF Coetzee PhD (HMS) - Promoter, The effect of law changes on the match profile of international and national rugby union between 2007 and 2013.
- 2018 Prof FF Coetzee PhD (HMS) - Promoter, Integrated guidelines for return-to-play decision-making after musculoskeletal injury in rugby.
- 2018 Prof FF Coetzee PhD (HMS) - Promoter, An Integrated Management Model for Patellar Tendinopathy.
- 2018 Prof HJ Bloemhoff PhD (HMS) - Promoter, Prof FF Coetzee – Co-Promoter , Self-Reported Fitness Levels, Actual Fitness Levels and Recorded Energy Expenditure on Graded Hiking Trails.
- 2018 Prof HJ Bloemhoff PhD (HMS) – Co-Promoter, Re-skilling of in-service teachers in physical education in South African schools.