Prof Gert Van Zyl
Office of the Dean: Health Sci
30D 200
Office of the Dean Health Sciences
Francois Retief Building: Block D 200

Short CV

1. Qualifications / Kwalifikasies

  • MB.,Ch.B.
  • M.Fam.Med.
  • Diploma in Community Health / Diploma in Gemeenskapsgeneeskunde
  • Diploma in Health Administration / Diploma in Gesondheidsadministrasie
  • MBA.
  • Ph.D. ( Health Professions Education / Gesondheidsberoepeonderwys )

2. Supplementary Courses / Aanvullende Kursusse

  • Labour Relations/ Arbeidsverhoudinge
  • Budgeting / Begrotings
  • Team-building / Spanbou
  • Conflict Mnagagement / Konflikbestuur
  • Time Management / Tydsbestuur
  • Strategic Management / Strategiese Bestuur
  • Strategic Planning / Strategiese Beplanning
  • Negotiation skills / Onderhandelingsvaardighede
  • Middle Management / Middelvlakbestuur
  • General Legal Aspects / Algemene Regsaspekte
  • Service Level Agreements / Diensleweringsooreenkomste
  • Composition of planners, Manuals and Work books / Opstel van Beplanners, Handleidings en werkboeke
  • Writing of Outcomes for composition of work books / Skryf van Uitkomste vir samestelling van werkboeke

Publications (Short List)

Accredited Publications (Since 2002: Short List):

Mollentze, W.F. and Van Zyl, G.J. 2009. Universitas Academic Health Complex: National Asset or provincial liability? South African Medical Journal, Vol. 99, No.8., August 2009.

Linegar, A.G.; Goldstraw, P and Van Zyl, G.J. 2009. Fifty Years of Thoracic Surgery Research in South Africa. South African Medical Journal, Vol. 99, No.8. August 2009.

Van Zyl, G.J. and Nel, M.M. 2008. The PRIME Model: a management solution in academic health. South African Family Practice, Vol. 50 No 1, January/February 2008

Bezuidenhout, M.J.; Nel, M.M.; Van Zyl, G.J. and Van Der Westhuizen, L.J. 2007. Quality Assurance in undergraduate medical education: A guide for accreditation reviews. South African Journal for Higher Education. Volume 5, November 2007, p. 427-440.

Nel, P.P.C., Van Zyl, N.J.R and Van Zyl, G.J. 2006. A Proposed Framework for Leadership and Management of Medical Schools – Journal of Higher Education – August 2006.

Van Zyl, G.J. and Shuping, S. 2004. PublicPrivate Initiatives: The Pelonomi Experience. Service Delivery Review. Volume 3 No. 1. 2004.

Van Zyl, G.J. 2003. Fifth Year Medical Student’s Elective Year and Future Plans- SA Family Practitioner en Geneeskunde ingelyf – June 2003.

Van Zyl, G.J. 2003. South African Academic Health – The Future Challenge – Health Policy June 2003.

Presentations and Posters (Since 2002: Short List):

Van Zyl, G.J. 2009. Opening Address at 4th South African HIV Drug Resistance and Treatment Monitoring workshop – HIV in South Africa. October 2009, Bloemfontein. (Presentation.).

Van Zyl, G.J. 2009. Opening Address at Postgraduate Diploma in Transfusion Medicine refresher Course, Blood – A Living line in History. 21 March 2009, Bloemfontein. (Presentation.).

Van Zyl, G.J. and Nel, M.M. 2007. Rights and responsibilities of postgraduate students. International Conference: Postgraduate supervision- The State of the Art and the Artist. 23-26 April 2007, Protea Hotel Technopark, Stellenbosch, RSA. (Poster).

Nel, M.M., Van Zyl, G.J. and Nel, P.P.C. 2007. SAAHE Regional Conference Workshop on: Management and Leadership: 7 September 2007. (Presentation).

Van Zyl, G.J. 2005. Opening of FUNDISA (Forum of University Nursing Institutions of SA) conference. Nursing in South Africa: Where are we? -27 May 2005. ( Presentation.).

Van Zyl, G.J and Nel, M.M. 2004. Needs of Heads of Department, School of Medicine, UFS. Faculty Forum: Faculty of Health Sciences: Bloemfontein: August 2004. ( Presentation.)

Van Zyl, G.J. and Nel, M.M. 2004. A Management Model for Heads of Department, School Of Medicine, UFS. Faculty Forum: Faculty of Health Sciences: Bloemfontein: August 2004. ( Presentation.).

Van Zyl, G.J. 2003. Fifth Year Medical Student’s elective year and Future. Faculty Forum: Faculty of Health Sciences: Bloemfontein: August 2003. ( Presentation.).

Van Zyl, G.J. 2002. Public Private Initiatives- The Real Solution. Health Summit, Bloemfontein. January 2003. ( Presentation.).

Van Zyl, G.J. 2002. Selection Criteria of Medical Students International Higher Professional Education: Bloemfontein. October 2002. ( Presentation.).

Van Zyl, G.J. 2002. Faculty Forum: Faculty of Health Sciences: Bloemfontein: August 2002. ( Presentation.).

Van Zyl., G.J. 2002. Ethical Dilemmas. South African Conference Pathologists: Bloemfontein: July 2002. ( Presentation. ).

Van Zyl, G.J. 2002. Changes in Departmental Management. South African Conference for Anesthesiologists: Bloemfontein: May 2002. ( Presentation. ).

Area(s) of Interest

Family Medicine / Huisartskunde
Health Management / Gesondheidsbestuur
General Management / Algemene Bestuur
Health Professions Education / Gesondheidsberoepeonderwys
Community Health / Gemeenskapsgesondheid
Quality in Health / Kwaliteitsbeheer in Gesondheid
Industrial Relations Management / Arbeidsverhoudingebestuur
Business Communications / Besigheidskommunikasie
Business Economics / Besigheidsekonomie



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