Performance Practice 2 (THEP2606)

The module focuses on acting in a production/s, an audition program, theatre-making, movement and radio training. Students are continuously assessed on their progression and detailed knowledge of theory related to the module. Movement studies and Theatre-Making training continue training from the first year. Progression to the third year module, THEP3700, can only be achieved if the student passes the audition program.

Unit 1:Movement

Students need to explore movement techniques, choreography, and storytelling through practical work in this unit. So as to comprehend that in movement, it is not the body that is at the centre of the mise- en- scene, but the embodied subject which is explored. 

Unit 2:Theatre for Young Audiences Practice

This unit entails the practical implementation of the theoretical study of Theatre for Young Audiences, individually or as part of a group in selected theatre productions and/or practical assignments.

Unit 3: Acting

This unit is the practical implementation of the Realist approach to acting (studied in DRAT2707 Unit 3). It will be required of you, as an individual or as part of a group, to be able to practically apply the principles of the Stanislavsky system in selected Realist scenes.

Unit 4: Radio and Voicework

This section of your course will extend your voice and speech training into the field of radio practice. You will engage practically with public performance, studio techniques, communication theories and storytelling. You will gain a basic understanding and experience of the voice as an agent of imagination, comfort and persuasion.

Unit 5: Puppet theatre

This unit is the practical implementation of the theory of Puppet Theatre. In this unit, it will be required of you, as an individual or as part of a group, to be able to apply the principles in puppet theatre practical assignments practically.

Unit 6: Theatre Making

In this unit the student will investigate and receive training in various methods, techniques, and skills associated with the art of Theatre Making and linked to major theories supporting Theatre Making as an artistic endeavour. The unit builds forth on Theatre Making explorations completed in the first year of study (THEP1505).

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T: +27 51 401 2240 or

Marizanne Cloete: +27 51 401 2592

Neliswa Emeni-Tientcheu: +27 51 401 2536
Phyllis Masilo: +27 51 401 9683

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