Service learning is viewed as a very important part of learning, as it aids in developing students’ knowledge and skills. It involves experiential learning, which is learning through experience. The students are required to take what they have learned in the module and apply that knowledge in the community.
Module | Contact person | Department /Programme |
PSHC 6804a | Dr Pravani Naidoo | Psychology: Due to COVID-19 and the lockdown, students had limited opportunity to engage with the learners of Lettie Fouché School. Therefore, their focus was more on creating podcasts for the teachers. Podcast Link. |
PSHC 6804b | Isna Kruger | Psychology Students in the master’s and honours programme collaborated with Kovsie FM to create educational podcasts and e-learning books. |
SWPD 3712 | Dr Merlene Esau | Social Work: The aim of this module is to enable students to implement theoretical knowledge concerning community work, in order to successfully implement a community work project in a specific community. |
MUSD 3702 | Werner Stander | Odeion Music: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the students were not able to collaborate with the schools. Thus, they only did the theoretical aspects of the module. |
KOM 344 | Elbie Lombard | Communication Science: The art of public speaking and oral preparation. Students were not able to visit the various schools. Instead, they assisted with marketing the Learning Festival. |
HLAP 3738 | Dr Marlie van Rooyen | Linguistics and Language Practice: Students are required to explore non-professional interpreting and translation in various contexts. In particular, it includes non-professional translation with computer-assisted translation tools. |
GOVE 3724 | Dr Tania Coetzee | Governance and Political Transformation: Students determine the quality of governance practices in NGOs. |