Annual Lecture in Theology and the Arts
20 October 2021 18:30

Meeting ID: 913 0497 1286 
Passcode: 032251 

The lecture will be hosted by the Initiative of Theology for Southern Africa via Zoom, 20 October at 18:30.

Dr. Gesa E. Thiessen is Adjunct Assistant Professor at the School of Religion at Trinity College, Dublin, Visiting Scholar at Sarum College, Salisbury and Research Fellow at the Department of Historical and Constructive Theology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 
She is the author of several books, including Theology and Modern Irish Art (1999), published by Columbia. She is also the editor of Theological Aesthetics: A Reader, published by Eerdmans (2004) and more recently of Karl Rahner’s Writings on Literature, Music and the Visual Arts, published by T&T Clark (2021).  


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