Winter Warmer Indoor Picnic Concert
28 July 2022 16:30
Callie Human Centre
Winter’s chill is here! Keep warm and join the Faculty of Health Sciences at their Winter Warmer Indoor Picnic Concert:
Date: Thursday 28 July 2022
Time: 16:30 for 17:00
Venue: Callie Human Centre
Entry fee is any non-perishable food or sanitary items. You can even donate the picnic blanket you will be sitting on.
All proceeds will go to the No Student Hungry programme!
Pack your picnic basket, gather your friends and family, and come enjoy the heartfelt rendition of the Free State Youth Wind Ensemble with Drs Nicholas Pearce and Hanneke Brits, performing Bob Marley’s rendition of Three Little Birds. Also performing are the medical students. Lucy Sehloho with the UFS Bloemfontein Campus Choir is another musical highlight not to be missed.
