The Humanities and Sustainable Development in Global Africa Seminar
30 May 2023 10:00
-30 May 2023 12:00
FGG 202, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein Campus
In line with the University of the Free State’s Vision130, which entails academic excellence, quality, maximation of societal impact with sustainable relationships across the global spectrum, and promotion of a diverse, inclusive, and equitable institution, this presentation construes humanities, broadly speaking, as those academic disciplines that study human culture, society, modes of being within interactive spaces of peace, war, and the ethos and pathos of relationships, etc., using methods that are primarily critical, or speculative, and have a significant historical element, in contradistinction to the empirical approaches of the “natural” sciences.
Speaker: Prof John Ayotunde(Tunde) Isola Bewaji (University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica)
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