29 June 2020
Story Valentino Ndaba
Photo Pixabay
Should the anxiety burden be too heavy to bear, contact the Student Counselling and Development office.
Do you need help with sharpening your coping skills to alleviate exam anxiety? Look no further; Dr Neo Pule, counselling psychologist at the
UFS Student Counselling and Development Office, has tips for you on how to manage stress.
Stress comes with the territory of exam preparation. “The quality of a person’s performance is hampered when the level of stress is either too low or two high,” says Dr Pule. In order to strike a balance between the two states, you need
to treat your emotions as information and apply coping skills when necessary.
How you think can have a profound effect on your emotional and physical well-being. Some social strategies of coping with stress include social support, humour, self-nurturing, and healthy distractions. Take care of your mental health this exam period
by following these simple tips from Dr Pule:
Before the examination:
1. Allow yourself enough time to study
2. Ask your lecturer what the format of the exam will be
3. List the chapters you need to prepare for
4. Write down key facts
5. Make flash cards, drawings or notes
Important: Focus on areas your lecturer spent a lot of time on.
During the examination:
1. Pace yourself and budget your time accordingly
2. If you blank on a question, skip it, and move on
3. Don’t panic if others are handing in their papers
4. Apply yourself and try your best
5. Breathe!
After the examination:
1. Let go!
2. Don’t compare your answers with peers
3. Reflect on the good and the bad in a healthy manner
4. Relax
5. Treat yourself
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Qwaqwa Campus