30 May 2024

The Independent University Banja Luka, Republic of  Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in collaboration with the University of the Free State, South Africa, and the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, invites submissions for the scientific e-conference, ‘Future, Research and Expectations in Science, Knowledge, and Aspirations’ (Freska). The conference, focusing on the theme ‘Future of Socio-Economic Development in Ever-Growing Contradictions’, will take place on 7 November 2024, in Banja Luka, with options for online participation.

Call for abstracts

We welcome papers from both the domestic and international scientific communities on the following topics: 

Section 1 - Africa, the Continent and the Future 
Section 2 – Society, Economics, and Ecology 
Section 3 – Technology, Biotechnology and Informatics 

Authors are also encouraged to propose additional topics related to the conference theme.

Submission Guidelines: 

Please confirm your attendance via e-mail: freska@nubl.org. Accepted abstracts will be notified according to the timeline below. Papers receiving positive reviews will be published in the FRESKA 2024 Conference Proceedings. All papers must adhere to the attached writing standards. 

Abstract Submission Requirements:  

• First and last name with academic title 
• Institutional affiliation  
• Contact details (email, phone number, address) 

• Correspondence author if there are multiple authors

Papers for the II scientific conference with the international participation of FRESKA can be submitted by email to freska@nubl.org.

Important dates:

• 15 Јune 2024 – Submission of abstracts 
• 15 July 2024  – Notification of abstract acceptance 
• 1 September 2024 – Submission of complete papers 

• 7 November 2024 – FRESKA 2024 Conference

Registration Fees: 

Online Participation: EUR 50.00 (includes conference access, printed proceedings, paper publication, and certificate)

In-person Participation: EUR 30 (includes conference access).

Payment deadlines:  

With publication: 1 October 2024 

Without publication: 1 November 2024

Payments should be made to the account of Independent University of  Banja Luka,  number 562-099-80668315-73, NLB Razvojna Banka Banja Luka. For international payments, please contact freska@nubl.org. Proof of payment should be submitted via email or upon registration. 

For additional information, please refer to future communications. 

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