The Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Francis Petersen, invites you to attend the upcoming book launch of State of the Nation: Quality of Life and Wellbeing.
Celebrating its 20th year of existence, this HSRC flagship publication serves as an invaluable, independent scholarly resource offering insights into the current state of South Africa. The theme of the 2024 edition, Quality of Life and Wellbeing, underscores the commitment to understanding and addressing critical societal issues. Edited by Profs Vasu Reddy, Narnia Bohler-Muller, Zitha Mokomane, and Crain Soudien, this edition builds on the preceding editions, focusing on HSRC priorities of poverty and inequality in novel and relevant ways.
During the launch, UFS scholars and editors will hold an interactive session and panel discussion; we look forward to your participation, which will help to enrich the conversations.
Date: Thursday 13 June 2024
Time: 15:00 to 16:30 (guests required to be seated by 14:45)
Venue: Equitas Auditorium, Bloemfontein Campus
RSVP: before 10 June 2024
Contact: For more information, please contact
ONLY MS Teams for Qwaqwa and South Campus staff (upon request to the RSVP address)
Books available for purchase at the event venue. Card payments will only be accepted.