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18 April 2019 | Story Rulanzen Martin

The Institute for Reconciliation and Social Justice IRSJ) has initiated a Social Justice Week at the University of the Free State (UFS), which started on Friday 12 April  until Wednesday 17 April 2019. 

Ten key events took place during the week. It ranged from dialogues, workshops, talk shows, debates, and interactive displays and events on issues of multilingualism and diversity, social innovation, engaged scholarship, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, gender sensitisation, sexual consent, sexual preparedness, universal access, disability, anti-discrimination, and security.

There was also a round-table discussion on 17 April 2019 with various UFS stakeholders on off-campus student security as well as an inter-institutional discussion on the same topic. The UFS Debating Society will take on the topic of the UFS Language Policy, while Olga Barends from the Free State Centre for Human Rights will host a dialogue on sexual consent.

The IRSJ has also designed and implemented SOJO-VATION: Social Innovation/ Social Change, which strives to create a foundational platform where ideas of social justice, innovation, and engaged scholarship at the UFS and in society can be hosted. SOJO-VATION partners with the Office for Student Leadership, Development, and Community Engagement.

The collaborating partners for the Social Justice Week includes various UFS stakeholders such as the Sasol library, the Gender and Sexual Equity Office, UFS Protection Services, the Free State Centre for Human Rights, the Student Representative Council (SRC), the Office for Student Leadership Development, Kovsie Innovation, GALA, the FFree State Centre for Human Rights, SRC Associations, the Office for Student Governance, Kovsie Innovate, Start-Up-Grind, EVC, EBL, Community Engagement, the Institutional Transformation Plan (ITP) Dialogues Office, Residence Dialogues, UFS Debating Society, Debate Afrika!, the Center for Universal Access and Disability Support (CUADS), and the Gateway Office. 

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UV betreur afsterwe van baanbreker

Die hoofbestuur van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) het met hartseer verneem van die afsterwe van dr. Barnie Human.

 Dr. Human het ‘n B Com- en honneursgraad aan die UV verwerf.  Sy  bande met die UV strek oor amper veertig jaar.   Hy was vanaf 1967-1995 lid van die UV-Raad en was vir meer as dertig jaar betrokke by fondswerwingsprojekte vir die Ontwikkelingstrustfonds van die UV.  In 1977 is hy verkies tot nasionale voorsitter van die UOVS Oudstudente Reünie, voorloper van die latere Kovsie-Alumni Bond.  Hy is in 1981 deur sy alma mater vereer met ‘n eredoktorsgraad in ekonomie. 

 Dr. Human, wat deurlopend baie aktief betrokke by die aktiwiteite van die Kovsie- Alumni Bond, het in 1985 die Bond se hoofbestuurstoekenning ontvang vir uitsonderlike diens gelewer aan die UV.  Hy is ook in 1993 aangewys as ere-trustee van die Ontwikkelingstrustfonds.

 In Oktober 2004 het die UV hom vereer met ‘n Eeufeesmedalje vir sy bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die UV se fondsinsamelingsaksies, veral ten opsigte van die vestiging van fisiese fasiliteite op die Hoofkampus in Bloemfontein.  Sy geldelike bydrae het die UV in staat gestel om die Callie Human-sentrum te bou.  Die sentrum is ter nagedagtenis van sy seun, Callie wat in 1967 in ‘n motorfietsongeluk oorlede is, opgerig.

 “Dr. Human was ‘n ware steunpilaar vir die UV.  Ons is dankbaar dat ons hom in 2004 daarvoor kon vereer met ‘n Eeufeesmedalje voor sy afsterwe,” sê prof. Frederick Fourie, Rektor en Visekanselier van die UV.

 “Ons simpatiseer ook met mev. Swannie Human en die egpaar se dogter, mev. Christina Strydom.  Dr. Human laat nie net ‘n leemte in die Bloemfonteinse sakewêreld nie, maar ook in die harte van die mense aan die UV wat hom geken het en saam met hom gewerk het,” sê prof. Fourie.

Uitgereik deur: Lacea Loader
Tel:  (051) 401-2584
Sel:  083 645 2454
21 Junie 2006


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