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28 August 2019 | Story Lacea Loader

The composition of the UFS Council is stipulated in the UFS Statute, which was published in the Government Gazette on 26 January 2018 and amended by publication in the Government Gazette on 29 March 2019.

The Convocation has to elect two (2) external (neither employees nor students of UFS) representatives to the Council to represent the Convocation and Alumni on Council, following the expiry of the term of office of these representatives.  The two (2) elected representatives will serve for a period of four years on Council.

The Convocation comprises all persons who obtained a formal qualification from the UFS, as well as all permanent academic staff members.

Members of the Convocation are invited to submit written nominations by using the Nomination Form, for the following:

1.    one representative from the Qwaqwa Campus; and
2.    one other representative.

Every nomination form shall be signed by 4 (four) members of the Convocation and shall contain the written acceptance of the nomination by the nominee under his/her signature, as well as an abridged CV and a motivation of ± 200 words.

All nominations must reach the office of the Registrar no later than 16:30 on Tuesday, 17 September 2019.

If more than one person is nominated for each of the categories mentioned above, elections will be held as stipulated in the Institutional Rules. More information regarding this process will follow at that stage.

Nominations are to be submitted to:

or by post (strongly advised not to use this method due to delays):

Mr NN Ntsababa  
University of the Free State
PO Box 339

or hand-delivered to:                

Mr NN Ntsababa
Room 51, 1st Floor
Main Building
UFS Bloemfontein Campus

For enquiries, please contact Mr NN Ntsababa at or +27 51 401 3796.

Kindly take note that late or incomplete nominations will not be accepted or considered.

Every nomination must be submitted separately.

News Archive

Minister Jeff Radebe commends UFS for measures taken to address racial prejudices


18 October 2013

  Photo Gallery
Minister Jeff Radebe lecture: YouTube video

Mr Jeff Radebe, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, last night delivered a lecture in the Prestige series of the Dean: Faculty of Law, at the Bloemfontein Campus of the University of the Free State (UFS).

In a packed hall with, among others, university students, staff and members of the judicial system, Minister Radebe said that many other academic institutions should look to the UFS when they deal with the challenges of racism in its various manifestations in their midst. “I commend the university for taking drastic measures to address the challenges of racial prejudices in its own backyard,” he said.

“Government can and must provide leadership, but it is the collective efforts of all our people that will ensure that we bridge the racial and historical divides that stand in contrast to our noble virtues as entailed in the Constitution,” the Minister said.

On the topic “Access to Justice” the Minister said that the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development has channelled more than 80% of its nearly R16 billion budget to the Access to Justice programme.

Minister Radebe talked about the reintroduction of the Sexual Offences Courts, which attests to the unrelenting resolve to eliminate the scourge of gender-based violence. “Fifty-seven of the department’s Regional Courts are being upgraded to operate as dedicated Sexual Offences courts during the 2013/2014 financial year. We believe that these sexual offences courts will help address the growing challenge of sexual offences in the country, particularly against vulnerable groups.”

The Minister also pleaded with law teachers to avail themselves to preside in the courts in our country to complement the decreasing number of presiding officers that are drawn from the attorneys’ and advocates’ profession. These services are normally rendered by the Commissioners pro bono as part of an endeavour to bring justice to all the people, including the poor.

A challenge that the UFS could help resolve,is the transformation of the legal profession. “We need to increase the number of Law students and in turn increase the number of attorneys and advocates in the pool from which we derive candidate judges,” Mr Radebe said.

The Legal Practice Bill and the transformation of the State Legal Service are the most important initiatives underway by which the Institutions of Higher Learning will make a contribution. “The Bill seeks to establish a single regulatory structure, which will be responsible for setting the norms and standards for all legal practitioners. Members of the public, as primary beneficiaries of the legal profession, will also be represented in this structure. Other important objectives of the Bill are the removal of barriers of entry to the profession for young law graduates who aspire to pursue a legal career, and the introduction of measures aimed at ensuring that fees chargeable for legal services are reasonable and within reach of ordinary citizens,” he said.

The Minister concluded: “Our courts must reflect both the race and gender demographics of our country and so must the university communities in their various capacities as a microcosm of the society we seek to build.”

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