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28 August 2019 | Story Lacea Loader

The composition of the UFS Council is stipulated in the UFS Statute, which was published in the Government Gazette on 26 January 2018 and amended by publication in the Government Gazette on 29 March 2019.

The Convocation has to elect two (2) external (neither employees nor students of UFS) representatives to the Council to represent the Convocation and Alumni on Council, following the expiry of the term of office of these representatives.  The two (2) elected representatives will serve for a period of four years on Council.

The Convocation comprises all persons who obtained a formal qualification from the UFS, as well as all permanent academic staff members.

Members of the Convocation are invited to submit written nominations by using the Nomination Form, for the following:

1.    one representative from the Qwaqwa Campus; and
2.    one other representative.

Every nomination form shall be signed by 4 (four) members of the Convocation and shall contain the written acceptance of the nomination by the nominee under his/her signature, as well as an abridged CV and a motivation of ± 200 words.

All nominations must reach the office of the Registrar no later than 16:30 on Tuesday, 17 September 2019.

If more than one person is nominated for each of the categories mentioned above, elections will be held as stipulated in the Institutional Rules. More information regarding this process will follow at that stage.

Nominations are to be submitted to:

or by post (strongly advised not to use this method due to delays):

Mr NN Ntsababa  
University of the Free State
PO Box 339

or hand-delivered to:                

Mr NN Ntsababa
Room 51, 1st Floor
Main Building
UFS Bloemfontein Campus

For enquiries, please contact Mr NN Ntsababa at or +27 51 401 3796.

Kindly take note that late or incomplete nominations will not be accepted or considered.

Every nomination must be submitted separately.

News Archive

International scholars take part in 2nd Summer Programme

Dr Gansen Pillay, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the National Research Foundation, explaining to the scholars what will be expected of them.
Photo: Steven Collett

On Monday 25 November 2013, young researchers were welcomed to the University of the Free State (UFS) to take part in the 2nd Annual South African Young Scientists Summer Programme (SA-YSSP).

These 36 scholars, hand-picked from some of the world’s most promising and top researchers, will spend altogether three months in the Free State to work on various projects.

The SA-YSSP is a novel three-month programme for advanced doctoral candidates whose research interests align with the Department of Science and Technology’s (DST) grand challenges and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis’ (IIASA) current research programmes regarding global environmental, economic and social change.

Dr Priscilla Mensah, Co-director of the SA-YSSP, says the University of the Free State is proud to host the Southern African Young Scientists Summer Programme, which brings together some of the world's greatest minds in systems analysis to work with talented young scientists on addressing complex global challenges.

“At the end of the programme, the young scientists will showcase their work during a two-day colloquium (20-21 February 2014), which will also be streamed live to a wide audience. Additional information on the programme is available at"

The programme will form part of an annual three-month education, academic training and research capacity-building programme jointly organised by IIASA, based in Austria, the National Research Foundation (NRF) and the DST. IIASA is an international research organisation that conducts policy-oriented scientific research in the three global problem areas of energy and climate change, food and water, and poverty and equity. South Africa’s engagements with IIASA, specifically with regard to the SA-YSSP, relate primarily to the DST’s Ten-Year Innovation Plan.

The UFS is the first institution outside Austria to host the Summer Programme. Researchers in the programme are, among others, from South Africa and the rest of the African continent, the USA, the Netherlands, India, Hungary, Austria and Germany.

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