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03 July 2019 | Story Leonie Bolleurs
KovsiesCare - Clean Up Read More
Tsietsi Ngobese, through the Wesolve4x Cleaning My Planet Campaign, motivated citizens to collectively fill over 23 000 refuse bags to date.

The mission: To collectively fill 20 million refuse bags every Saturday with the help of 20 million people who are cleaning their own communities and our planet for an hour. The message: My planet, my responsibility.

The mission and message that the Wesolve4x Cleaning My Planet Campaign wants to convey, is based on a simple premise: Get community members to donate one hour of their time to cleaning duties every Saturday for the next 20 years until 2039. At the same time provide a continuous educational programme about waste management to the general public and to schools in order to empower them to take responsibility.

Address trash blindness

Tsietsi Ngobese, Chief Executive Officer of this initiative and BSc Actuarial Science graduate, says he understands the transformative power of education and the role it plays in transforming diverse communities. Through outreach programmes in our community and schools, we are slowly eliminating generational trash blindness. We also tackle some of the social determinants of health by encouraging healthy living conditions within our communities through good waste management and recycling. 

It is important for Tsietsi to add value to society. He believes that the Wesolve4x Generation will transform the world for the better through education and empowering all citizens.

The campaign – officially endorsed by Miss Earth South Africa, Catherine Constantinides – was launched on the UFS Bloemfontein Campus as well as the Abram Hlope Primary School in Katlehong on 4 May 2019.

“We want to promote the benefits of a clean and healthy environment for future generations,” said Tsietsi. 

Since their inception, the group has collectively filled over 23 000 refuse bags with the help of active citizens. 

Challenge accepted

When former lecturer, Jan Blomerus, once challenged his Actuarial students to protect the environment in order to decrease the mortality rate (from natural disasters because of the effect of climate change), Tsietsi accepted the challenge. “By inspiring excellence and transforming lives, the UFS plays an important role; I started to believe that I can address societal challenges in the communities I am an integral part of,” he said.

When Tsietsi saw trash piling up everywhere and children playing at illegal dumping sites, he became concerned about the health risk to society. He believes the dumping area is contaminating the air and water around the dumping site. 

“I had to be part of the solution to start cleaning up, and most importantly, educating myself and others to continuously take responsibility for our own waste and change our thinking about littering. This is a generational issue and needs a generational approach to unlearn all habits of littering,” Tsietsi pointed out. 

As part of his vision, Tsietsi plans to reduce the waste taken to landfill sites and to increase that which is taken directly from households to recycling plants. He also wants to encourage people to find creative ways of converting what has previously been wasted into something useful. “This action can encourage individuals to generate an income from waste,” he said.

Take action

Tsietsi invites all members of the Mangaung community to get involved in the project. This is your opportunity to make a difference on Mandela Day. You can;
provide sponsorship for educational content on effective waste management, economic opportunities, and health issues to the general public and to schools;
provide refuse bags, plastic gloves or hand-washing soap (used by community members in every clean-up session);
join in a collective effort to clean your community by meeting at designated schools or any designated community assembly point on a Saturday (contact 011 307 2005 or for more information).

News Archive

Thakaneng bridge: Valentines Promotions

Thakaneng bridge: Valentines Promotions

Thakaneng bridge: Valentines Promotions - 13 February. Special discount! Prizes to be won!


Enige twee ontbyte kry `n glasie sap en koffie gratis.
Enige middagete kry `n trammazini of glas huiswyn gratis.

Any two breakfasts get a free juice and coffee.
A free glass of wine or a trammazini with any lunch.


Spend R1000.00 or more and stand a chance to win an Ipod Shuffle.
More specials in store.

Spandeer R1000.00 of meer en staan `n kans om `n Ipod Shuffle te wen.
Daar sal ook ander spesiale aanbiedinge in die winkel wees.


Heart shaped vetkoek with delicious fillings and get a free heart shaped chocolate with every vetkoek.

Kom geniet `n hartvormige vetkoek met `n smaaklike vulsel en kry `n gratis hartvormige sjokolade.


Make Friday the 13th your lucky day at VARSITY HAIR STUDIO.
Amazing discounts will be given away!

Maak Vrydag die 13de jou gelukkige dag by VARSITY HAIR STUDIO.
Groot afslag op byna alles.


Alle bestaande klante kom neem deel aan `n gelukstrekking en staan `n kans om `n etebewys ter waarde van R400.00 te wen.

All existing clients can enter into a lucky draw and stand a chance to win a free meal worth R400.00.

  1. XEROX

Kom neem deel aan `n “lucky draw” en wen een van verskeie geskenke.
Enter the lucky draw and win one of many prizes.


LEVI, POLO en LUXION-KUKA promosies. Gratis geskenke wannneer `n raam gekoop word.
LEVI, POLO and LUXION-KUKA promotions. A free gift with any frame bought.

Lots of in-store give-aways.
Vele weggee geskenke in die winkel. Besoek ons gerus.

Kom prik `n ballon en wen een van vele pryse, waaronder T-hemde, `n koek, teddiebeer of dalk ‘n mini- make over.
Ons maak ook `n plan vir lekker musiek op die brug!

Win a cake, T-shirt ,a teddy bear or a mini make over in our burst a balloon competition.

Kom neem deel aan `n gelukstrekking en wen `n piekniekmandjie vir twee.
`n Gratis geskenkie vir die eerste 100 klante.

Enter the lucky draw and stand a chance to win a picnic hamper for two.
The first 100 clients will receive a gift.

Kom koop een chip twister en kry een gratis.
Buy ` chip twister and get one for free.


Koop een groot ontbyt en kry `n damesontbyt gratis.
Kry skyfies gratis saam met enige burger.

Buy a breakfast and get a ladies breakfast free.
Free chips with any burger.


Buy airtime for R10.00 or more and stand a chance to win airtime worth R55.00
Koop lugtyd van R10.00 of meer en staan `n kans om lugtyd ter waarde van R55.00 te wen.


Alle aankope op 13 Februarie kwalifiseer vir `n gelukstrekking op die 14de Februarie en staan `n kans om `n geskenk te wen waaronder wetenskaplike sakrekenaars, memory sticks en penstelle.

All clients who buy something on 13 February 2009 may enter a lucky draw and may win gifts like pen sets, scientific calculator or a memory stick on 14 February 2009.


Kom koop `n T-hemp en staan `n kans om `n geskenk te wen.

Buy a T-shirt and stand a chance to win a prize


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