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03 May 2019 | Story Xolisa Mnukwa
David Cuads
The Johannesburg High Court Judiciary Chambers donated a new wheelchair to David Phakoa Mashape from the UFS.

The Johannesburg High Court Judiciary Chambers contacted the University of the Free State (UFS) Center for Universal Access and Disability Support (CUADS), expressing their desire to donate some wheelchairs to Kovsies in need. 

David Mashape, UFS Corporate and Marketing Communication student, heard the news and did not hesitate to show his keenness to possibly receive the wheelchair. He was soon after contacted by CUADS; Free State High Court Judge, Pitso Molitsoane, personally delivered the wheelchair to David at the UFS CUADS offices in April 2019.

David explained that he had been saving up for a new wheelchair for a while, as his own was quickly wearing out.  He further mentioned that he has aspirations to play wheelchair track sports, including wheelchair racing and wheelchair rugby, and that he can now focus his savings on purchasing himself a brand-new racing wheelchair, courtesy of the generous donation from the Johannesburg High Court Judiciary Chambers. 

As stipulated in their operative mandate, CUADS strives to facilitate, create opportunities for, and enhance students’ critical thought and ways of being that are consistent with human rights and the principles of social justice. This mandate is evident in the small every-day victories, such as David’s, facilitated by the department to ensure humanising daily lived experiences essential to cultivate student academic success, social engagement, and cohesive institutional culture.

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Kovsie Xtravaganza 2006 with Jak de Priester and Dewald Louw

Kovsie Xtravaganza, the showcase of Kovsie student arts and culture achievers, will take place on Wednesday, 20 September 2006 at 20:00 in the Sand du Plessis Theatre. The audience can once again expect an array of sound, movement and colour in true Kovsie style.

This years’ production will be unique in the sense that a “10 man live band” will provide the sound.  The well known artist, Jak de Priester, will act as your host and guest artist. The newly crowned kykNET Idol and Kovsie student, Dewald Louw will all make a guest appearance!

The annual residence culture winners will also be announced at the event. Wayne Flemming is the director of the show, whilst John Smit will act as musical director.

 The audience can once again expect some familiar hit songs, presented in true Kovsie fashion! Apart from well-known artists like Thabo Hlongwane, Hanno van Heerden, Caroline Haasbroek, Elmarie Potgieter and Bea van der Vyver, some new talent will also be presented on stage. The winning serenade groups, Veritas and Sonnedou, as well as choirs and dance groups, will be part of the production.

Tickets for this extravaganza will be available from all PACOFS outlets at R30-00 a ticket and bookings can be done at 051-447 7772.

 For any other enquiries, please contact Kovsie Culture (Louis Botha) at 051-401 2819.


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