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The Centre for Gender and Africa Studies (CGAS) and the UFS will host an Africa Day Webinar on the topic, Reflections on Africa amidst Covid-19, to be delivered by Prof. Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, renowned decolonial scholar. The title of his lecture is Revisiting the African idea of Africa during the moment of Covid-19 pandemic.
The crisis delivered by Coronavirus and Covid-19 invites Africans to rethink and even unthink the long-standing dependency on Europe and North America for help. What has dawned on Africa is the equally long-standing aspiration of self-reliance. What is emerging is a new African idea of Africa which takes responsibility for its own challenges. This new African idea of Africa challenges the Mudimbean idea of Africa embodied in the colonial library.
Thus this presentation reassesses how Africa has relied on its own historical experience, its own knowledge, and own people to confront Covid-19. What is of interest here is the proverbial wisdom of necessity being the source of invention. The presentation brings to the fore the decolonial turn as it gestures beyond crisis into post-Covid-19 world order. It ends with a call for decolonial love founded on new ethics of living together and new economies of care.
Bio of Prof Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatshen
Date: Tuesday, 26 May, 2020
Time: 14:00
Duration: 90 min max (45 min talk, 45 min Q&A)
The webinar can be accessed via one of the following links:
Meet our Council: MEC Tate Makgoe – A proud vision for all
MEC Tate Makgoe
Photo: Stephen Collett
The MEC of Education in the Free State, Mr Pule Herbert Isak Makgoe, is serving his third term on the UFS Council.
MEC Tate Makgoe, as he is known, holds a Chemical Engineering degree from the Technikon Vaal Triangle, a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Unisa, an Honours in Commerce degree from the UFS, and a Master’s degree in Business Leadership from Unisa.
Early years
From an early age, he was acutely aware of the delicate and volatile political landscape in the country caused by draconian apartheid policies. He has been active in the political realm since 1984, when he left the country to join the ANC’s military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, in exile.
“I have devoted my life to the disadvantaged and marginalised in order to realise fully the objectives of true political transformation, and the total eradication of grinding poverty,” he says. His political activism landed him in Sun City prison from 1986 to 1991.
After the unbanning of the ANC, MEC Makgoe became a Northern Free State regional executive member and, in 1994, he was appointed as the ANC’s election campaign manager in the Free State. He has also served as provincial treasurer, and as a member of the executive committee of the ANC in the province.
MEC Makgoe’s current position
After serving as MEC in five portfolios in the Free State Province at different times - Finance, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Agriculture, Public Safety and Security, and Finance – MEC Makgoe was appointed as MEC for Education in 2009, a position he has held ever since.
In 2014, he received the prestigious Ubuntu Award for Education by the Turquoise Harmony Institute for his outstanding leadership role in steering the department to produce the highest matric pass rate in the country of 87,4%. Previous recipients of the Ubuntu Award include late former president, Nelson Mandela, and anti-apartheid struggle icon, Ahmed Kathrada.
Recipient of Kovsie Alumni Cum Laude Award
MEC Makgoe is also a former recipient of the Kovsie Alumni Cum Laude Award. The Cum Laude Award is bestowed occasionally on an alumnus for outstanding service or achievement on regional, national, or international level in his/her field of work. He is married to Ivy, and the couple have three children: Palesa, Maki, and Junior.