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The Centre for Gender and Africa Studies (CGAS) and the UFS will host an Africa Day Webinar on the topic, Reflections on Africa amidst Covid-19, to be delivered by Prof. Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, renowned decolonial scholar. The title of his lecture is Revisiting the African idea of Africa during the moment of Covid-19 pandemic.
The crisis delivered by Coronavirus and Covid-19 invites Africans to rethink and even unthink the long-standing dependency on Europe and North America for help. What has dawned on Africa is the equally long-standing aspiration of self-reliance. What is emerging is a new African idea of Africa which takes responsibility for its own challenges. This new African idea of Africa challenges the Mudimbean idea of Africa embodied in the colonial library.
Thus this presentation reassesses how Africa has relied on its own historical experience, its own knowledge, and own people to confront Covid-19. What is of interest here is the proverbial wisdom of necessity being the source of invention. The presentation brings to the fore the decolonial turn as it gestures beyond crisis into post-Covid-19 world order. It ends with a call for decolonial love founded on new ethics of living together and new economies of care.
Bio of Prof Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatshen
Date: Tuesday, 26 May, 2020
Time: 14:00
Duration: 90 min max (45 min talk, 45 min Q&A)
The webinar can be accessed via one of the following links:
UFS will award four honorary doctorates during Winter Graduation ceremonies
Four honorary doctorates and two Chancellor’s medals will be awarded at the University of the Free State’s Winter Graduation ceremonies.
Max du Preez, Prof Joel Samoff (both Humanities), Trevor Manuel, and Dr Reuel Jethro Khoza (both Economic and Management Sciences) will receive honorary doctorates during the morning ceremony of 30 June 2016. Antony Osler and Marguerite van der Merwe (née Osler) will receive Chancellor’s medals at the same ceremony. Prof Samoff, from Stanford University in the USA, will also be the guest speaker during the afternoon ceremony on 29 June 2016.
A total of 482 master’s and doctoral degrees
![Description: 2016 06 20 Grad Pre Tags: 2016 06 20 Grad Pre](
The University of the Free State will award
482 postgraduate qualifications at the
Winter Graduation ceremonies.Photo: Johan Roux
The Winter Graduation ceremonies will take place in the Callie Human Centre of the Bloemfontein Campus on 29 and 30 June 2016. On 29 June 2016, diplomas will be awarded in the School of Financial Planning Law, as well as diplomas and certificates for educational qualifications on the South Campus. On 30 June 2016, 53 doctorates and 429 master’s degrees will be awarded in the seven faculties.
Most of the doctorates (16) will be awarded in the Faculty of the Humanities, while most of the master’s degrees (204) will be awarded in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences.
Date: 29 June 2016
09:00: Diplomas: School of Financial Planning Law
14:30: Diplomas and certificates: Educational qualifications of the South Campus
Venue: Callie Human Centre, Bloemfontein Campus
Date: 30 June 2016
09:00: Master’s and doctoral degrees: All faculties, except Natural and Agricultural Sciences
14:30: Master’s and doctoral degrees: Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
Venue: Callie Human Centre, Bloemfontein Campus