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22 April 2021 | Story NONSINDISO QWABE | Photo Thabo Kessah
Faith Mudzingiri.

Sharing her father’s love for the field of commerce, Faith Mudzingiri, daughter of Dr Calvin Mudzingiri, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, is one of the more than 1 500 students who received their qualifications during the University of the Free State Qwaqwa Campus virtual graduation ceremony. Faith obtained her BCom General Management degree during the virtual ceremony on 21 April.

In 2020, Mudzingiri topped the academic charts as the best student across all faculties on the campus.

Following in the footsteps of her father

An accounting enthusiast from an early age, Faith said her father has been her biggest motivation. Having a parent in such a critical position can come with immense pressure to perform, but she said “watching him inspired me a lot. For me to be here, is because I’ve learned from him that hard work pays off”.

Mudzingiri said while she was grateful for the accomplishment of being the Dux student for 2020, her academics did not get off to a good start in 2017 when she began her first year.

“As an international student coming from Zimbabwe, I struggled a lot in my first year. I had difficulty finding my feet in the new environment. Things got better in my second year, but in my third year I reminded myself why I was here and why I started this degree. I knew I wanted to graduate in record time, and so had to put in the work.”

Still set on achieving her accounting dream, Mudzingiri is now pursuing a BCom Accounting degree on the Bloemfontein Campus. “I would love to become a tax accountant and start my own accounting firm one day.”

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“Aren’t auntie and them hungry yet?” Country folk worried about NSH hikers

About 5 km short of Wortelfontein Guestfarm in the Northern Cape, Rachel Swart is sitting on the porch of her peasant house when four people come walking down the dirt road.

Guests on foot are not a regular sight in this region, because you must understand, Wortelfontein is situated where Hanover lies far behind you and Richmond is still a very long way off.


The four people on the dirt road are the hikers from the University of the Free State (UFS) on their way to Cape Town (on foot) to create awareness for food-insecure students at the UFS.

Adele van Aswegen, Ronel Warner, Ntokozo Nkabinde and Nico Piedt are already on the road for more than two weeks as part of the No Student Hungry bursary’s (NSH bursary) fundraising efforts. The bursary provides assistance to students at the UFS who often do not have enough to eat.

On day 12 of their walk, the plan was that our hikers would stay at Wortelfontein Guestfarm, but unfortunately they took the wrong turnoff. It is precisely at this point where they met Rachel.

“I will show you where Wortelfontein lies. One can easily get lost here,” says Rachel decidedly and points to the straight main road. She ties her baby skilfully behind her back with a towel and tackles the next 5 km together with our hikers.

“It is this kind of support and encouragement that keep us on the road,” says Adel.

Everywhere along the road people are stunned and concerned about the four’s trip and immediately offer their help.

Near Trompsburg, an elderly couple who just heard about the hikers at church, stop next to them and offer them a lift to the next town. They are thankful for the gesture, but have to decline the offer.

Between Trompsburg and Springfontein, Doug offers to take them to Springfontein. Once again they decline the offer.

There was also the uncle who wanted to buy them cool drink and the road workers who cheered them on.

In Colesberg a group of children asked worriedly: “Aren’t auntie and them hungry yet?”

These boots are made for walking ... to Cape Town (Article of 02 May 2014)

Daily updates:
(You can also follow us on @UFSweb for daily tweets)

Day 21: 21 May 2014
42 km
Leeu Gamka Hotel

Day 20: 20 May 2014
20 km
Alida, Springfontein

Day 19: 19 May 2014
27.6 km
Teri Moja Game Lodge

Day 18: 18 May 2014
First rest day
Nagenoeg Guesthouse, Beaufort West

Day 17: 17 May 2014
62.3 km
Nagenoeg Guesthouse, Beaufort West

Day 16: 16 May 2014
14 km

Day 15: 15 May 2014
32 km
Travalia, Three Sisters

Day 14: 14 May 2014
43 km
Joalani Guest Farm
Day 13: 13 May 2014
33 km
Die Rondawels
Day 12: 12 May 2014
40 km
Aandrus B&B in Richmond
Day 11: 11 May 2014
39 km
Wortelfontein (Magdel and Christiaan)
Day 10: 10 May 2014
34 km
Hanover Lodge
Day 9: 09 May 2014
40.8 km
Camping between Colesberg and Hanover
Day 8: 08 May 2014
33.7 km
Colesberg, The Lighthouse Guesthouse

Day 7: 07 May 2014
23 km
Orange River Lodge

Day 6: 06 May 2014
51.06 km
Gariep Forever Resort

Day 5: 05 May 2014
28 km

Day 4: 04 May 2014
35 km
Trompsburg: Fox Den

Day 3: 03 May 2014
46.74 km
Edenburg Country Lodge (Hotel)

Day 2: 02 May 2014
11:44 am
15.3 km
Tom's Place

Day 1: 01 May 2014
32 km

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